SRCDS Steam group

Server not on Master Server list
ok this might be a noob question but ive got a srcds runnnig and i can connect to it but nobody else can im using a netgear DG834G v3 and all the ports are forwarded and i have the same problem with no firewall on. I give people my external and ip on srcds and it comes up on their favourites as not responding please help by the way i launch my server via Steam and its a CS:S server also i choose network as internet but still shows up as lan on same pc
try going to ... send the ip that it gives you to your friends!
your server will always show on LAN to everyone inside your own network.
If peopel can't join the external IP address from then there is a port forwarding problem. If everything fails you can try to set DMZ to your server machine.
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and dmz is?
google it and you'll find everything you want to know about it, it basically comes to this:
redirect all unknown traffic to a PC in the network, so every port will be open.
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