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WTF - Lag? Skipping? ???
Ok.. for the past 2 years ive been hosting a server for CSS.. never a problem ever.. however at last ive come across a problem.. that seems also impossible to fix..

the symptom; enter the server.. and asap its acting as if the ping was 2000ms.. however clearly its not.. its not lagging at all.. and fps is pefect.. no choke or loss, input and output are normal.. ive checked console ingame and in both the steam srcds console and standalone srcds console.. (i tried it out on the standalone to see if there was a difference.. nope).. theres no errors or anything..

There were no hardware/software/internet/network changes at all.. it just decided to happen.. and no way of telling what it is.. ive tested out other games.. they all work perfectly fine.. ive wiped steam/valve/hl/srcds from the comp (completely) and reinstalled 100% fresh.. same problem..

could this be steam/valves fault? can i fix it? did windows maybe do something and not tell me? - why is only steam/srcds doing this? if i connect to any other server using the same machine.. it works perfectly.. but running scrds on this comp is now impossible.

help? Sad?
Where does the ping appear as 2k?
Is this for the whole server or just you?
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i said it feels like 2000ms.. not is.. the ping appears normal.. and its the whole server.
Hello. I am new to these forums, but I came looking for a good server config and I came across this thread. For the past week, I was using source dedicated server from steam to host a server when I wanted to play. The server ran excellent. I played on the same computer that I hosted from. Since maybe 3-4 days ago, I believe there was a steam update. I'm not sure if it started happening before the update. I've been getting the same problem that the thread-starter mentions. I get non stop lag and skipping. Why would this randomly start happening? Does anyone know how to fix this Sad.
grimmyx Wrote:Hello. I am new to these forums, but I came looking for a good server config and I came across this thread. For the past week, I was using source dedicated server from steam to host a server when I wanted to play. The server ran excellent. I played on the same computer that I hosted from. Since maybe 3-4 days ago, I believe there was a steam update. I'm not sure if it started happening before the update. I've been getting the same problem that the thread-starter mentions. I get non stop lag and skipping. Why would this randomly start happening? Does anyone know how to fix this Sad.

mine started in the same timeframe Sad.. and i did notice the steam update for both the game and the server... i was hoping this wasent the case.. be nice to hear if someone has the same prob.. or even better a solution..

BTW; for whoever helps.. if wanted.. i could make a video of the ingame lag/skipping and a look into the console.. might not help much,. but give a better idea of what exactly is happening..

thanks for any help.. Smile
Hi Elis, I fixed this with grimmyx yesterday,

seems liek after an update the games priority is higher than the server by default. Which is bad cause it should be the other way around.
Set the priority of the server to High when you start it up (in the CNTRL+ALT+DEL window)
The issues will be gone
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Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
hey it all works again Smile thx for finding that lil punk Smile.. damn steam updates.. valve should consider making a beta test team to test things before they release anything..

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