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Server start up
M8, I need help cause, all mine does now is say executing file and it just closes down (all the time)

So annoying
If I understand it correctly it doesnt execute the config or it hangs doing it?
If so check if there arent any loops in it
with that I mean in server.cfg: exec bla.cfg
in bla.cfg: exec server.cfg

stuff like that.
Also if nothing works, try reinstalling it, start all over.
check if it works after install, then add a configuration, check if it works, add plugin, check if it works etc etc.
I cannot determine where the error is, so it'll have to be done that way
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I somehow got the server up, and i use mani admin. i followed the tutorial, and added my self the adminlist.txt or something (steam id), i then got on my server, and typed "rcon_password *****" then i typed "ma_rcon" and it said, "you have server access" or something along those lines. then i typed "bind l "admin" " and nothing happened, i then went back to the game and clicked l, no menu came up what so ever.i then went back to console and for everytime i clicked l, it said " unknown command "admin" drocona please help m8
make sure you have cl_restrict_server_commands 0 on the client
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on client?
"attempted to change cl_restrict_server_commands 0 when not allowed" what?
You have to do that when you are not connected to a server.
Else you'll get that error Smile

So start up the game and enter the console, type it and your done.
Join your server and the menu will work
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i put the command in console when i wernt playing a game and i typed rcon_password ****** when i was in agme and then cliked l and nothing came up
Is mani admin plugin actually running?

did you make a .vdf file in the addons folder?
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in addons there is man_admin_plugin.dll, mani admin and mani admin plugin.vdf
at the bottom of that admin.txt thing, i put my steam id e.g steam_******* is that right
Should be right, seriously if you follow everything it says you ahve to do it's all fine.
I've installed mani hundreds of times, just open op the documentation at the mani website and there won't be any problems.
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