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Server start up
Right. Whwn I start the srcdc i use the C:\srcds\srcds.bat in the run option, but when i do, it takes probably over 10 minutes the get it to finally start, i dont know if this is just me, but could someone help


What is your startupline?
Also what happens when you start the server?

PS: Please just put all your questions in one topic, it's easier to reply and solve your problems.
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When I used started srcds up is used to say like master ip and theat and say what map it funning at the top and vac secured and that, now it freezes on the point "executing dedicated server config file"
and goes no further?
figured that all out, ut as i should be admin, when i log on to the server, i go in console and type rcon_password ???????, i dont know what the password is,
How do i change my rcon password in server.cfg
I believe you downloaded my server.cfg theres a command in there called rcon_password mypassword
replace mypassword by something you like, that's the rcon password then.

Also the server doesn't hang on that point, just nothings happening....
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Drocona Wrote:Also the server doesn't hang on that point, just nothings happening....

what do u mean, when i start my srcds exe, it takes literraly 50 restarts to get it up, if not , it doesnt at all
try typing something like "say hi"
see what it does...

I seriously don't see why it wouldnt work the first time... it either doesnt work or it does, not half of both.
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look here is a screen shot
and anouther
I don't see screenshot yet,

by the way please use the edit button instead of making a new post, it's getting a mess and looks like spam Smile thanks
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Well tbh, i use that thing so it just keeps restarting if it crashes. and i do that, and it just dont connect, i have got it up the few times
what thing... I seriously have no clue what you're talking about 50% of the time lol
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@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 16
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds

ellz444 Wrote:When I used started srcds up is used to say like master ip and theat and say what map it funning at the top and vac secured and that, now it freezes on the point "executing dedicated server config file"
and goes no further?

I have the same problem but instaed it crashes how did you fix it ?

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