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Need help badly!
I have been setting srcds up for months!!!
I cant get server 2 use external ip...
I have router Telewell EA-1000 and no other firewalls...
I have tried every single way command lines +ip commands...

I can play on my server at lan but it doesnt show out ;*(

I'm not sure what you are trying to do here but, the SRCDS will never be able to use the external IP adress unless the machine it's running on is directly connected to the internet.
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Drocona Wrote:I'm not sure what you are trying to do here but, the SRCDS will never be able to use the external IP adress unless the machine it's running on is directly connected to the internet.

How i can get it directly in that ruoter?
If you want a direct connection you need a modem, no router.

But I think the problem is port forwarding for you? What exactly is the problem? To run a server you don't have to have your external IP on the server.
There are alot of guides and help on port forwarding on these forums, also you might want to check
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I bought new modem and now its working Toungue
ok if u use a router and u go and port forward the ports u must make sure that u have the right Ip in if it asks for it

if you dont know what ur internal ip is then open ur command prompt and type in ipconfig and hit enter that will be the ip that u will use when ur forward ur ports

[Image: ippicyi7.jpg]

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