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unable to update: renamed the hldsupdatetool.exe but the file is still there
Please help, what can be wrong? I downloaded the update some time ago, but i needed to reinstall my os..

And now i can't get it to work. I installed te srcds in D:\srcds and used the command: hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game "Counter-strike source" -dir d:\SRCDS

Please help.. what can be wrong?
what exactly happens?
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Drocona Wrote:what exactly happens?

nevermind i putted it in C:\SRCDS instead and it worked Toungue
For a NOTE to others, here's a short quick way to start a server install.

1st. create a folder in your c:\ drive. Mine are  c:\HL2server_css and c:\HL2server_dod and c:\HL2server_mp. I will use c:\HL2server_dod since there are very few installs showing dod as the example.

2nd. Place the HldsUpdateTool in the folder just created.

3rd. Create a .txt file called DOD_UPDATE. Now copy and paste this in it.

hldsupdatetool -command update -game "dod" -dir c:\HL2server_dod

4th. Now click Save As... and name it DOD_UPDATE.BAT
this saves the .txt file as a .bat file which you can now double click to start your server install. Any time you need to update your server just double click the .bat file.

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