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RCON commands
When I try to use RCON commands I get a message that it was unable to connect my computer... what should I do?
(This question is for "[Cold-Unit] Fucking killer" )
Try this:
rcon_address <ipadresshere>
rcon_password <passwordhere>
rcon <command here>
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no, it says that it is unable to connect to my computer, and then says in () the ip of my computer...
is the "my computer" the server or.. (might sound stupid, just to be sure)

If it is the server, is the server behind a router?
Are you connecting to it from a pc outside or inside the network?
What IP adress are you using to connect?
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Te server is behind a router, yes. And "my computer" is the server....
If you are connecting to it from inside the network are you using the network IP? If not use it.
If you are connecting from outside the network make sure the ports are forwarded correctly, it might be blocked.
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I am connecting from inside the network and I a using my network IP, and it still not working...
Damn, do you have +ip <networkiphere> in your startupline?
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I use the srcds from inside the steam
Oww that explains.
It is recommended to install a standalone (NOT via Steam), the steam version is bad.
Anyway try this if you dont want to install the standalone:
right click the icon in steam, then go to properties>launch options
then type +ip <networkiphere>
run the server and try again
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ok ty, I will move to the standalone
until moving to a standalone dedicated server I am currently running SRCDS on the same computer as I start HL2: DM after server start. I can access my server via LAN but not able to RCON it. i dont have a router.

what do i have to type in console to be able to restart the server with RCON control? (restart needed to make it a Team DM)

if I do this
rcon_address <ipadresshere>
rcon_password <passwordhere>
rcon <command here>

unable to connect blabla comes up (probably because client and server are the same?)
well first of all you shouldnt host and play on the same machine.

If you do want to keep hosting it like this. You might want to try rcon_address
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