SRCDS Steam group

Mani admin plugin wont work since update
Okay ever since the update. my server isent even reconizing mani at all, like when i go into hlsw in the addons area says none even though its installed. The mani site is down also so does any1 know what the deal is?
read the other threads - this question has already been answered.

The thing is i know what my problem is with mani it needs update. BUT the mani site wont work can anyone send me the new patch, my xfire is s2kcowboy and my aim is wolverine4x4x350
// ************************************************
// Mani Admin Plugin 2005
// Last Update V1.1.0z
// This file contains definitions that allow
// the plugin to handle different mods a bit
// more elegantly. Under most circumstances
// they will not need to be changed unless
// the source mod author releases an update
// that requires changes to some of the offsets.
// Linux offsets are usually the windows offset + 5.
// A hidden command called ma_offset will report the
// value of that offset i.e
// ma_offset 870
// A more advanced version called ma_offsetscan <value to look for> <start offset> <end offset>
// will search for a particular value. For instance if I want to find the frags offset
// I would perform the command 'kill' twice to get a frag count of -2 then run
// ma_offsetscan -2 700 800
// This would report back all instances of the value -2
// between the range of 700 to 800. If it picks up only
// 1 instance then that is my kills_offset to use for my
// server type. The trick is to try and find a value that is not
// a common value like 0 or 1.

    // Options for Counter Strike : Source mod
    // This should match the description given by the
    // server console command ma_game

    "Counter-Strike: Source"
        // Specify the linux game binary location

        "linux_bin"        "./cstrike/bin/"

        // Set to 1 if spectator is allowed for this mod
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"

        // The internal team index for spectators
        // You can identify this by running ma_teamindex as a spectator
        "spectator_index"    "1"

        // The group name to identify spectators when running a ma_ command
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"

        // Set to 1 if amx style menus actually work on the mod
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "1"

        // Set to 1 if team play is allowed, 0 if not
        "team_play"        "1"

        // Number of user messages to scan for. Too high a number will
        // cause the server to crash. 22 okay for all mods at the moment
        "max_messages"        "22"

        // Offsets for voice control, do not change
        // If your mod has no voice server remove the
        // voice_control section or comment it out
            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

        // If your mod supports cash your offsets must go here.
        // If your mod does not support cash, you must comment it out
        // or delete the section

            "Win_Offset"    "875"
            "Linux_Offset"    "880"

        // Number of kills offsets used to control frag counts. An easy way to
        // check for your offset is to
            "Win_Offset"    "746"
            "Linux_Offset"    "751"

        // Advanced visual effects offsets, linux should work most of the
        // time depending on how the server binary has been compiled.
        // The windows version will probably not work on non-valve mods.
        // The command ma_offset and ma_offsetscan is not applicable here

            "enable_linux"    "1"    // Allow linux advanced effects
            "enable_win"    "1"    // Allow windows advanced effects
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"    // Windows virtual function offset (Lance VOrgin)
            "code_Offset"    "110"    // Windows code index offset (Lance VOrgin)

        // Setup team structure for mod        
            // Handle terrorist team
                // Terrorist team index (use ma_teamindex to find what team index you are on)
                "index"        "2"

                // Translation number found in english.cfg
                "translation_index"        "900"

                // Abbrevated translation number found in english.cfg
                "short_translation_index"    "901"

                // Group ID used when running a ma_ command that affect players
                "group"                "#T"

                // Setup skin config file names and directories to search under /skins/
                "admin_skin"    "admin_t"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_t"
                "public_skin"    "public_t"

            // Handle terrorist team
                // CT team index (use ma_teamindex to find what team index you are on)
                "index"        "3"

                // Translation number found in english.cfg
                "translation_index"        "902"

                // Abbrevated translation number found in english.cfg
                "short_translation_index"    "903"

                // Group ID used when running a ma_ command that affect players
                "group"                "#CT"

                // Setup skin config file names and directories to search under /skins/
                "admin_skin"    "admin_ct"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_ct"
                "public_skin"    "public_ct"


    // Options for HL2 Deathmatch
    // This one is a bit weird. When the server starts it reports that
    // the game is called "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch". When the mp_teamplay cvar
    // is setup in server.cfg the game name changes to either "Deathmatch" or
    // "Team Deathmatch" which is why there are 3 mod definitions setup for it :/
    // When running either it is recommended that you add the command
    // ma_forcegametype to the end of your server.cfg file or anywhere after the
    // mp_teamplay cvar has been set. ma_forcegametype will prompt the plugin to
    // reload this file and re-configure itself then reload the skins.

    "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch"
        "linux_bin"        "./hl2mp/bin/"
        "spectator_allowed"    "0"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "0"
        "max_messages"        "22"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

            "Win_Offset"    "742"
            "Linux_Offset"    "747"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "110"
            // As this is only a single team mod (until mp_teamplay 1) we only need one team

                // Single team mods use 0 as their team index
                "index"        "0"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"

                // Only one set of skins name admin.txt, reserved.txt and public.txt
                // with directories /admin /reserved and /public

                "admin_skin"    "admin"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved"
                "public_skin"    "public"

    // For HL2 Deathmatch when mp_teamplay is set to 0 or not set at all the
    // game type turns to single team deathmatch mode. In which case we have
    // the same as above for settings

        "linux_bin"        "./hl2mp/bin/"
        "spectator_allowed"    "0"
        "spectator_index"    "0"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "0"
        "max_messages"        "22"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

            "Win_Offset"    "742"
            "Linux_Offset"    "747"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "110"

                "index"        "0"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"
                "admin_skin"    "admin"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved"
                "public_skin"    "public"

    // For HL2 TEAM Deathmatch when mp_teamplay is set to 1 or not set at all the
    // game type turns to multi team deathmatch mode. In which case we have
    // to setup multiple team definitions for Combines and Rebels.

    "Team Deathmatch"
        "linux_bin"        "./hl2mp/bin/"
        "spectator_allowed"    "0"
        "spectator_index"    "0"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "1"
        "max_messages"        "22"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

            "Win_Offset"    "742"
            "Linux_Offset"    "747"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "110"

                "index"        "2"
                "translation_index"        "906"
                "short_translation_index"    "907"
                "group"                "#C"
                "admin_skin"    "admin_c"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_c"
                "public_skin"    "public_c"

                "index"        "3"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"
                "admin_skin"    "admin_r"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_r"
                "public_skin"    "public_r"

    // Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag Source mod options. Again this is a multi-team mod.

    "Half-Life 2 CTF"
        "linux_bin"        "./hl2ctf/bin/"
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"
        "spectator_index"    "1"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "1"
        "max_messages"        "22"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

            "Win_Offset"    "761"
            "Linux_Offset"    "766"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "107"

                "index"        "2"
                "translation_index"        "906"
                "short_translation_index"    "907"
                "group"                "#C"
                "admin_skin"    "admin_c"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_c"
                "public_skin"    "public_c"

                "index"        "3"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"
                "admin_skin"    "admin_r"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_r"
                "public_skin"    "public_r"

    // Half-Life 2 Single team source mod currently in beta at time of testing.

    "Hidden : Source"
        "linux_bin"        "./hidden/bin/"
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"
        "spectator_index"    "1"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "0"
        "max_messages"        "22"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

            "Win_Offset"    "745"
            "Linux_Offset"    "750"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "107"

                "index"        "0"
                "translation_index"        "910"
                "short_translation_index"    "911"
                "group"                "#M"
                "admin_skin"    "admin"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved"
                "public_skin"    "public"


    "Garry's Mod"
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"
        "spectator_index"    "1"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "0"
        "max_messages"        "22"
        "set_colour_allowed"    "0"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

        // You will need to figure these out yourself using
        // ma_offset or ma_offsetscan
        // The default offsets should be close but will
        // most likely not work

            "Win_Offset"    "750"
            "Linux_Offset"    "755"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "107"

                "index"        "0"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"
                "admin_skin"    "admin"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved"
                "public_skin"    "public"

        // Specify the linux game binary location

        "linux_bin"        "./dystopia/bin/"

        // Set to 1 if spectator is allowed for this mod
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"

        // The internal team index for spectators
        // You can identify this by running ma_teamindex as a spectator
        "spectator_index"    "1"

        // The group name to identify spectators when running a ma_ command
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"

        // Set to 1 if amx style menus actually work on the mod
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"

        // Set to 1 if team play is allowed, 0 if not
        "team_play"        "1"

        // Number of user messages to scan for. Too high a number will
        // cause the server to crash. 22 okay for all mods at the moment
        "max_messages"        "22"

        // Offsets for voice control, do not change
        // If your mod has no voice server remove the
        // voice_control section or comment it out
            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

        // Number of kills offsets used to control frag counts. An easy way to
        // check for your offset is to
            "Win_Offset"    "744"
            "Linux_Offset"    "749"

        // Advanced visual effects offsets, linux should work most of the
        // time depending on how the server binary has been compiled.
        // The windows version will probably not work on non-valve mods.
        // The command ma_offset and ma_offsetscan is not applicable here

            "enable_linux"    "1"    // Allow linux advanced effects
            "enable_win"    "1"    // Allow windows advanced effects
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"    // Windows virtual function offset (Lance VOrgin)
            "code_Offset"    "107"    // Windows code index offset (Lance VOrgin)

        // Setup team structure for mod        
            // Handle terrorist team
                // Terrorist team index (use ma_teamindex to find what team index you are on)
                "index"        "2"

                // Translation number found in english.cfg
                "translation_index"        "914"

                // Abbrevated translation number found in english.cfg
                "short_translation_index"    "915"

                // Group ID used when running a ma_ command that affect players
                "group"                "#P"

                // Setup skin config file names and directories to search under /skins/
                "admin_skin"    "admin_p"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_p"
                "public_skin"    "public_p"

            // Handle terrorist team
                // CT team index (use ma_teamindex to find what team index you are on)
                "index"        "3"

                // Translation number found in english.cfg
                "translation_index"        "916"

                // Abbrevated translation number found in english.cfg
                "short_translation_index"    "917"

                // Group ID used when running a ma_ command that affect players
                "group"                "#C"

                // Setup skin config file names and directories to search under /skins/
                "admin_skin"    "admin_c"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved_c"
                "public_skin"    "public_c"


    // If the mani admin plugin cannot find a template above to match
    // the source mod that is running it will try and use this one as a default.
    // Core default single team mod.

    "Unknown Mod"
        "spectator_allowed"    "1"
        "spectator_index"    "1"
        "spectator_group"    "#SPEC"
        "hl1_menu_compatible"    "0"
        "team_play"        "0"
        "max_messages"        "22"
        "set_colour_allowed"    "0"

            "linux_offset"    "3"
            "win_offset"    "2"

        // You will need to figure these out yourself using
        // ma_offset or ma_offsetscan
        // The default offsets should be close but will
        // most likely not work

            "Win_Offset"    "750"
            "Linux_Offset"    "755"

            "enable_linux"    "1"
            "enable_win"    "1"
            "vfunc_Offset"    "12"
            "code_Offset"    "107"

                "index"        "0"
                "translation_index"        "908"
                "short_translation_index"    "909"
                "group"                "#R"
                "admin_skin"    "admin"
                "reserved_skin"    "reserved"
                "public_skin"    "public"


Thats the file Big Grin
[Image: linkinboxtf0.jpg]
umm thats not the beta version i tried it nehow still didnt work
Mani knows that the updates "fix" still has bugs. The website just got back up. The server Host got hacked and there working on the website as well as the update fix..

[Image: Ladysig.png]
Here is the link to the updated mani admin files:
hmm still not working
lol the thing keeps going down..
[Image: Ladysig.png]

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