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Mani Plugin not working
I downloaded all the files and bound a free key to "admin". I typed in "exec mani_server.cfg" in my server.cfg file and I wrote all the mani files (adminlist and cfg). However, when I started my server it never said executing mani_server.cfg and when I tried playing in it none of the commands work. How do I get it to initialize?
you should realy post this in the mani fourms

but i will try to help can u tell me what version of mani u are using?

and also what ure adminlist.txt file looks like

mani will initalize aoutomaticaly if u have instaled it correctly

you might try to add +exec mani_server.cfg in your startupline see if it works.

Also did you read or use the mani tutorial in the tutorials section? have a look in there
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The Modifications part of the Tutorials section is empty :|

version - V1.1.0zi

adminlist is just my steam ID

I tried using the plus sign but it still didnt work
you have to put the exec mani_server.cfg in your server.cfg, i don't know if it works from the startup line. also, did you put all the files in the right place?

you can type "plugin_print" from the console and it will tell you if you have any plugins loaded.
elementfool Wrote:The Modifications part of the Tutorials section is empty :|

what??? O_o

here it is:
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