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AMD vs Intel: Which has better SRCDS preformance?
Drocona Wrote:Dividing load over more "workers" will be faster than to use one "super worker" that is faster than the normal workers but the super worker has to do everything on it's own which will be slower than the other workers
Totally not agree with you about this. For my clan a few months ago we switched from 2 x p4 3 ghz, 1 gb ram to a dual Opteron 248 2 gb ram. The dual has about the same capacity as the 2 single P4's, but the big advantage is the dual Opteron can spread load over the 2 cpu's, which means you can overbook the server just a little bit more and when a server mapchanges the load never reaches 100%. With a single CPU this will happen if servers on the machine are full all the time.

To host 100-200 slots (high tickrate): 2 x AMD Opteron 275 or 285 with 4 x 1 gb ram. I have such a machine in production and when 120 players are online (only srcds) load doesn't even comes over 55% (boosted tickrate 66 and 100 servers).

Next week I'm taking a dual Xeon 3.4 2mb cache with 2 x 2 GB ram or 4 x 2 GB ram in production. I guess it performs better than a dual 248, but it's a lot more expensive. Dual 275 of 285 is defenitally your goal! Another BIG disadvantage from Xeon cpu server: they use much more electricity than AMD Opterons. In my region 1 ampere costs about 15-20 euro a month in a DC.
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ok never knew that, never got into those thing really because I don't have money to test those things ^^
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Hollanda Wrote:
Drocona Wrote:Dividing load over more "workers" will be faster than to use one "super worker" that is faster than the normal workers but the super worker has to do everything on it's own which will be slower than the other workers
Totally not agree with you about this. For my clan a few months ago we switched from 2 x p4 3 ghz, 1 gb ram to a dual Opteron 248 2 gb ram. The dual has about the same capacity as the 2 single P4's, but the big advantage is the dual Opteron can spread load over the 2 cpu's, which means you can overbook the server just a little bit more and when a server mapchanges the load never reaches 100%. With a single CPU this will happen if servers on the machine are full all the time.

To host 100-200 slots (high tickrate): 2 x AMD Opteron 275 or 285 with 4 x 1 gb ram. I have such a machine in production and when 120 players are online (only srcds) load doesn't even comes over 55% (boosted tickrate 66 and 100 servers).

Next week I'm taking a dual Xeon 3.4 2mb cache with 2 x 2 GB ram or 4 x 2 GB ram in production. I guess it performs better than a dual 248, but it's a lot more expensive. Dual 275 of 285 is defenitally your goal! Another BIG disadvantage from Xeon cpu server: they use much more electricity than AMD Opterons. In my region 1 ampere costs about 15-20 euro a month in a DC.

I currently use 2 x AMD Dual Core Opteron 275 servers for my company. One of the machines run 20+ steam based game servers that use more than 2GB of memory and it always has 50 people playing on the servers but the CPU usage never goes over 15%. Always stay around 10% or below time to time. I have posted some information about my company in different section of the forum. By the way, those 4 high powered internal opteron chips do their job.
Opteron wipes Xenon's ass on 64bit performance. Need I say more? Toungue
srcds definataly doesnt profit on 64bit.
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With the general exception of video processing, AMD whoops Intel's butt in every area for servers and desktops. This isn't to say that Intel is bad, it's just that a comparable AMD processor has about %20 more power than an Intel processor. I personally have read many comparisons between the two brands and there is no comparison lol. Good luck.
Waith for the new Intel Woodcrest, cheaper than any AMD/Xeon available now and more power.
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What's to be said about some of the problems I have heard of hlds/srcds using AMD binaries? Have you heard of this problem, because my previous server provider had this problem with his Opterons.
The good thing about amds is they have a higher fsb speed. Intels have a higher clock frequency. The war between AMD and Intel is almost even. You can overclock an AMD to be as fast as an Intel, but you need some serious water cooling for that. The cool thing about intel pentiums, and only the pentiums, is if you you pull the heatsink off of it, it will still run, laggy as hell, but it will still run. Pull the heatsink off ANY other processor, inluding amd and instantly it goes up in smoke and melts itself to the motherboard. It's pretty much what you feel and think about the processor itself. This is something i learned in a+ certs. when I was in highschool years ago. And is still true today. Dont believe me, reasearch this. Dro knows. He will back me up on this one.
mmm higher fsb? You mean every AMD cpu has it's own memorybus, xeon = shared between 2 cpu's.
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hexitnow Wrote:Damn dude thats crazy I just looked it up. I thought mobos didnt go past 4GB of ram. Thats insane. Sorry bout the earlier disbelieving posts.

I've seen servers do more than 32GB of ram.

one of my servers is an 4-way motherboard that supports 64GB of ram. But there are boards that can support much more.

Prime example, the SGI altix 4700 is a VERY high end super computer.
It can hold up to about 512 1.6 or 1.66GHz Itanium2 cpus each with 6MB or 9MB Cache. Memory wise it can hold 32GB DDR2 modules for a MAX of 128TB of ram.

let that blow your mind.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
Come back in about 20 years and you'll be laughing at the above post Wink
hexitnow Wrote:The good thing about amds is they have a higher fsb speed. Intels have a higher clock frequency. The war between AMD and Intel is almost even. You can overclock an AMD to be as fast as an Intel, but you need some serious water cooling for that. The cool thing about intel pentiums, and only the pentiums, is if you you pull the heatsink off of it, it will still run, laggy as hell, but it will still run. Pull the heatsink off ANY other processor, inluding amd and instantly it goes up in smoke and melts itself to the motherboard. It's pretty much what you feel and think about the processor itself. This is something i learned in a+ certs. when I was in highschool years ago. And is still true today. Dont believe me, reasearch this. Dro knows. He will back me up on this one.

sweet do know that the last generation of intel's 90nm netburst processors were some of the hottest running, most power consuming processors ever right? I would LOVE to see the source of your information on the statements you make about intels being "cool running"

But i've gone ahead and gone one step ahead of you...
[Image: image033.gif]
[Image: image034.gif]
[Image: image035.gif]

now, what these graphs show is that the 90nm Intel Chips use WAY more Watts than AMD chips. And with all those watts being used comes a whoooooole lotta heat.

Only with intel's new 65nm "Conroe" Core 2 Duo chips have they finally gotten power consumption/heat under control.

here is a graph with Core 2 Duo chips
[Image: power_conroe.png]

As you can see, they are much more efficient than the current generation of AMD processors (both 939 & AM2)

However, when AMD debuts its 65nm chips (known as K8L at the moment) in approx the first quarter of 2007, many anticipate AMD taking back the thermal & overall efficiency crown Wink

if you want to learn a LOT about computer stuff, I'd recommend as one of the best computer/tech forums around
hexitnow Wrote:The good thing about amds is they have a higher fsb speed. Intels have a higher clock frequency. The war between AMD and Intel is almost even. You can overclock an AMD to be as fast as an Intel, but you need some serious water cooling for that. The cool thing about intel pentiums, and only the pentiums, is if you you pull the heatsink off of it, it will still run, laggy as hell, but it will still run. Pull the heatsink off ANY other processor, inluding amd and instantly it goes up in smoke and melts itself to the motherboard. It's pretty much what you feel and think about the processor itself. This is something i learned in a+ certs. when I was in highschool years ago. And is still true today. Dont believe me, reasearch this. Dro knows. He will back me up on this one.
Wow, dude...more proof that A+ Certification means absolute crap. Apart from "The war between AMD and Intel is almost even" comment of your's, I'm having a hard time finding anything else that's true in the BS you just spewed.
[Image: OCCbar4.jpg]
Big Grin Alright hexitnow... let's see you run your Intel without a heatsink matey Toungue

Seriously though, spreading misinformation like this can be dangerous.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.

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