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AMD vs Intel: Which has better SRCDS preformance?
I was wondering which is better for hosting SRCDS servers.
I was thinking Intel but since AMD seems to be doing well im not sure.
Xeon vs Opteron is mainly my question. Also I am looking for some thing that can host a couple 100 slots on it if at all possible. Also if you could please list the setup of hardware you would recommend it would be great.

Thank You
Cameron L Lockhart
Damn dude a couple 100 Slot servers. Youre talkin minimum 2 to 3 grand on the server, plus cust of net connect. Which is not cheap when u need somethin with a good upload speed. Are you plannin on running this server from inside your own network, or are you going to rent one. As for intel and AMD, pull the heatsink off and see which one melts itself to the MOBO first. But in terms of overclockability, AMD would most def. be the way to go.
I am planning to spend upto 5k on a server I was just wondering what people would suggest to use to get 100-200 slots. And also i am not planning to run this from my own home network I have a dedicated fiberoptic line to run my servers off of. I just need to know the best combo of hardware.
i say AMD FX60 for sure and about 16-32mb of ram a faster hdd not nessaseraly a big hdd just fast like 10000rpm so get a mobo that suports up to like 32mb of ram but as for AMD vs intel go AMD better for servers and all hope i can help Smile
[Image: colexcss.png]
WO holy crap 16-32 mb of ram. I think ur gonna need a lil more then that. I wouldnt really listen to AMD is better for servers and ALL. Thats not quite true, actually it's not true at all.
Lol seriously I don't get this whole AMD vs. Intel crap.

see it like this:
AMD-> good "better than Intel" on heavy applications like GAMES, THE CLIENTS with Visual needs, this is because it has lower clock speed but higher FSB, higher FSB is for fast data transfer.
Intel-> good "better than AMD" on DESKTOP applications, because of the higher clock speed but lower FSB, higher clockspeed results in high speed calculating on processes.

Ok so here's what I want to say about the server.
Why buy a 5k server which can hardly run 100 players if you can buy multiple servers, like 2 or 3, which are lower spec but can run much more slots. The more processors and memory you have the more slots. Dividing load over more "workers" will be faster than to use one "super worker" that is faster than the normal workers but the super worker has to do everything on it's own which will be slower than the other workers
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But the great thing about AMD is you can change the FSB, or the clock multiplier to achieve a way higher clock speed. Get it do damn near intel clock speed. But intel's produce so much less heat. (mind you this has been proven multiple times) Literally pull the heatsink off basically any processor and it will melt itself to the MOBO, smoke and all. Pull the heatsink off a pentium and it lags hardcore but it will NOT melt itself to the mobo and continue to function.
hexitnow Wrote:Literally pull the heatsink off basically any processor and it will melt itself to the MOBO, smoke and all. Pull the heatsink off a pentium and it lags hardcore but it will NOT melt itself to the mobo and continue to function.

yeh lol i saw that little movie clip on toms hardware guide Big Grin

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typo i meant GB of ram Smile but yeah i think what Drocona said is a good idea get mutipule servers u probly whuld end up spending less anyway
[Image: colexcss.png]
You just had a typo period. 16-32 GB of ram, Funny, but damn I wish it was true.
what do u mean u wish 16-32GB of ram was true? lol it is on server mobos
[Image: colexcss.png]
Damn dude thats crazy I just looked it up. I thought mobos didnt go past 4GB of ram. Thats insane. Sorry bout the earlier disbelieving posts.
thats ok we all have things to learn Smile im thinking of getting one with 16GB of ram but yeah Smile
[Image: colexcss.png]
lol thats like 1200$ at least for the memory only
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i know Smile im rich lol
[Image: colexcss.png]

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