SRCDS Steam group

Custom Map gets Seg Fault (fy_iceworld)
I am getting Segfaults on some custom maps when I run my server

So far I have tested fy_iceworld, fy_iceworld_adv
I got a couple other custom maps that are working fine like aim_advance or fy_pool_reunion_lite.

Any way to fix this?

CS:S Ded Linuz

all maps are in ./maps folder
map names added to mapcycles.txt and maplist.txt

/srcds_l/srcds_run -console -game cstrike -secure -debug -port 27015 +map fy_iceworld_adv +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate

The following is what shows on server startup
maxplayers set to 20
Level "fy_iceworld_adv" has been loaded
"maps/fy_iceworld_adv.bsp" "Game"
"maps/fy_iceworld_adv.bsp" "Game"
"/srcds_l/cstrike/" "MOD"
Mapcycle list
Next map = [aim_advance]
Map list
Admin steam id list
STEAM_0:0:####### No restrictions
No default weapons restrictions found for this map
No server vars found for this map
rcon list
exec server.cfg
mp_friendlyfire 1
Attempting to read mani_stats.dat file
mani_stats.dat version [V1.0.7]
Read 38 player ranks into memory
Discarding players who haven't connected for stats in 5 days
Calculating current stats list
File mani_stats.dat exists, preparing to delete then write new updated stats
Wrote 38 ranked players to mani_stats.dat
Executing dedicated server config file
/srcds_l/srcds_run: line 423: 3200 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
Sun Jan 16 23:32:40 EST 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds

what does your debug log print out?
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
I have no clue because it doesn't get created.
try starting it up on a different map, then switch to the map.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
it would kick everyone off the server and reload the previous map
I get the same thing when I try to run dust2.

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