SRCDS Steam group

Capture The Prize - Prizes for Players & Server Hosts ($300 of Prizes for November)
[Image: CTP-Logo.png]

November's prizes are $50 USD for the Player Prize and $250 USD for the Server Prize (they will be sent via PayPal).


What is Capture The Prize?

Capture The Prize is a FREE to join and FREE to win monthly contest where players who play on listed servers (hosted by anyone with a server) can win prizes just for playing (no skill required). Server hosts can also win a prize by referring the most active players. Servers also benefit from increased player traffic as well as rewarding your existing player base with the chance to win prizes. 32 multiplayer games and all mods are supported (Counter-Strike: Global Offense, Team Fortress 2, Garrys Mod, DayZ, Minecraft, Battlefield Series, etc.). Game Servers do not need to install any plugins. We just need your Server IP, Port, Query Port (If applicable) and game type.

Player Prize - All players who have played in any of the servers on the server list for a combined 4 points or more will be entered into the drawing and a winner will be chosen at random. Players get points every 15 minutes. The more points a player has, the higher their chance of winning.

Referral Prize - Server hosts who referred the most active players (a player who activated their account, sent their SteamID and accumulated at least 4 points) will win one of these. You get a Unique URL and when a user clicks this URL, it takes them to the register form and credits that registration as being referred by you. Even if the user doesnt sign up right away, it creates a cookie that lasts for 1 month so if they sign up later, you still get credited. There are also a large variety of banner images available that you can use on your website (found here)

How it Works

After you register on the site (verify your email and login), you click the "Sign in through the steam" button. Steam will not reveal your username or password to; rather your SteamID will be shared. This website like many sites on the internet is funded by advertisements; that's how the prizes are funded.

Server Operators (Server Hosts)

All new servers start out as "Standard Servers". Standard servers net players 1 point every 15 minutes. Once you have referred 50 active players (over any time period), all your current servers listed will automatically be upgraded to a "Premium Server". Premium servers net players 2 points every 15 minutes (and as a result will generally get more traffic). Click here for more information.

Supported Games (All mods are supported too)
America's Army 3
Arma 2 (DayZ, etc.)
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
Armed Assault
Battlefield 1942 (Desert Combat, etc.)
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 3
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: World at War
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Source
Crysis 2
Crysis Warhead
Crysis Wars
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat: Source
Garry's Mod
Half Life 2: Deathmatch
Killing Floor
Minecraft (Version 1.9+ only)
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Natural Selection 2
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress Classic
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory

All Source/Orangebox Modifications (PVK II, Synergy, Sourceforts, etc.)
All GoldSRC Modifications (Natural Selection, Sven Coop, etc.)

Players List | Server List
Interesting concept, so interesting it may just work Wink

How long has this community been around?
It's not a community per se, there is a community section to the website though and its only a few months old but its growing rapidly. Community section of site is known as "FTW Community" (website is here)

The website is actually much older than it appears. The current iteration was launched in August of this year, but a beta of it was launched in August 2009.

液態威而鋼是由印度Ajanta Pharmaceuticals(印度前十大製藥廠)果凍威而鋼是以凝膠形式製成的藥物,以適合用於怕吃藥苦吞嚥困難的人群研發出的、每盒Kamagra果凍威而鋼包含7​袋不同口味的鳳梨,橙,草莓,香草,香蕉,黑醋栗和奶油。吃藥如吃果凍。液態也更容易吸收,發揮效果更充分。怎麼才能買到呢?


3網路購買、 印度Ajanta Pharmaceuticals藥企會授權一些代理商、允許其在網路上出售他們的商品來做推廣、而臺南藥局(也是拿到了代理權售賣他們的產​品、這樣除了能購買到正品的果凍威還能享受到比較好的折扣或優惠 、這樣的網路訂購也是比較的優惠和方便足不出戶不用出遠門就能購買到、還不會被熟人看到保護大家的隱私。但是網路上的形形色色太多的網站出售果凍威請大家小心買到假藥。


綜合以上幾點請大家考慮清楚到哪裡購買比較適合自己、推薦大家可以到臺南藥局買因為全部都是正品貨源可以考慮一下! 壯陽藥助勃早洩保證正品

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