SRCDS Steam group

mattie script : Top killer
Hi, well i have problems again...

im trying to get top killer script on my server but it wont work...

i have added the line in the auto exec.

But where shall i put the folder with the top killer files?

If you can tell me it would be great!

oo matties scripts.. thats a good question.. lol. you will have to wait for zealot about that one.. or post about it over on the mattie forums. lately i just haven't had time to learn anything about matties, lol. its on my todo list!
ok then i'll wait but thanks..

the problem is i dont know where to put the files... Sad
Ok i have got it to work now

i didn't have a folder..

But its working! Smile
HL2SEB Wrote:Ok i have got it to work now

i didn't have a folder..

But its working! Smile

could you post exactly how you got it working for future reference Big Grin
yeah of couse

i used this link first:

And then i took the mattie eventscript top killer:

This is all i did Toungue

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