SRCDS Steam group

Looking for Cheap windows VPS!
^ You can if paying by Paypal. Paypal does not send you a w2 until after 5k earned within a 3 month span. Stay under that amount, and you'll be safe Smile
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
But if you keep buying new server hardware every month, taxes are not a problem. Since the productive lifespan of hardware relative to what's available in the market to handle new applications is very brief. You will be buying new hardware every 2-3 years. Unless of course you want to be that host still using Q6600's when i7's are dominating.

Hell you also live in the same city as me. Just bring me a machine and I will Colo it in Kansas City for cheap if you want. Just don't ask for Operating System reloads and don't screw up your machine as I'm not going to make a special trip to fix it. Unless you want to pay normal price, then Id be happy to support you. You could also pay cash Toungue
I hate living in a city with no datacenters.
Yea, it's quite a pain.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
^ Or you can just pay Joe for support Smile
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
^ Not in Joes, moved.
(10-06-2011, 03:15 AM)loopyman Wrote:  But if you keep buying new server hardware every month, taxes are not a problem. Since the productive lifespan of hardware relative to what's available in the market to handle new applications is very brief. You will be buying new hardware every 2-3 years. Unless of course you want to be that host still using Q6600's when i7's are dominating.

Hell you also live in the same city as me. Just bring me a machine and I will Colo it in Kansas City for cheap if you want. Just don't ask for Operating System reloads and don't screw up your machine as I'm not going to make a special trip to fix it. Unless you want to pay normal price, then Id be happy to support you. You could also pay cash Toungue
Thank's and I might be getting a machine. ( I will have to load it with Windows 2008 Server )
People I Respect:
iRtehLeet™, loopyman, Paradox
(08-24-2011, 09:20 AM)war Wrote:  Can host 3 servers.
3 IP's ( I can use )
full control

Location(s): ( I'm looking for one of these locations. )
Kansas, MO

I want to find this so I can start my server hosting company.



Hi ... has data centries in both Dallas and Chicago locations ... many other locations including UK. I have been using their windows VPS for 9th month !. Good prices for good plans.

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