SRCDS Steam group

"Unable to load Steam Support Library"
Hi. ever since the new engine had been updated due to TF2 going F2P, my gmod server will not load up to the server network. I already did the verify_all command and that didnt work and this is frustrating. here is the screenshot. Specs have been provided along with the server cfg
[Image: srcdsbug.jpg]

Server OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP3
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 Hyperthreading
Ram: 2048MB
Game(s):Garrys Mod
Start Up Command:Using Server Doc C:\sdv1_00\serverdoc.exe C:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gm_flatgrass.bsp +maxplayers 10
Admin Mods: Non at the moment.

hostname "[PGR] Official Build |PHX, Wire, PewPew, GDC|"
sbox_maxwire_thrusters 100
sbox_maxwire_gates 1000
sbox_maxwire_rangers 200
sbox_maxwire_buttons 500
sbox_maxwire_indicators 500
sbox_maxprops 100
sbox_plpldamage 1
sbox_godmode 0
sv_alltalk 1
sbox_maxpewpew 10
sbox_maxvehicles 4
wire_holograms_modelany 1
motdfile evolvemotd.txt
Have you tried just installing a separate fresh install and seeing if that works? I've seen people have an issue with addons here lately with the new updates.
Game Servers -- -- Use promocode "frag" for 15% off every month!
Yes. and with no addons whatsoever. and it still persists. What I did is uninstalled the server completely. wiped everything our of that directory. then fired up the update tool to reinstall the server. and it still showed up that message

Try checking out this link.
Game Servers -- -- Use promocode "frag" for 15% off every month!
Ports are already forwarded and I added SRCDS and HLDSupdatetool as exceptions. still shows this error. One thing I didnt tell you is that I use AVG antivirus as my AV. does that AV cause any problems with SRCDS?
If AVG has the firewall built into it, it possibly could yes. Just the standard AV, it shouldn't.

I would say disable any firewalls you possibly could have, Windows and/or any other software and make sure your ports are forwarded correctly.
Game Servers -- -- Use promocode "frag" for 15% off every month!
They are already off And I said before that the ports are already forwarded. It Still persists
Im still waiting for a reply as this problem is still an issue
im having the same issues trying to run my CS:S server, did you find a fix?
No I havent. its most likely a SRCDS issue
Maybe check your router's Firewall to see if theres any exception errors.

This has to be an isolated problem on your end..
[Image: 1789915.png]

I actually did disable the firewall to see if it was that problem. and it infact wasnt
yeah i have the same problem. no firewall and dmz but problem persists
EDIT: Oops restarted server and its all good
Someone at the Steam forums said to install Steam on your server machine. (Windows) I did that and it fixed the problem. FYI, I installed Steam but I did not need to log in or create an account. In fact, you don't need Steam running.
i have had this 1 or times times no i just restarted the box and it was good to go..
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