(11-08-2011, 09:39 PM)Stinkyfax Wrote: (11-08-2011, 08:52 PM)groupgator Wrote: If you looking for something that will auto invite to your Steam group you should check this out.
Steam has restrictions on who can invite.
Apparently if you try to use an account with no games you are not allowed permission to invite users from other groups. You have to use an account with games in it. Otherwise, the program works great. Check out the videos and read all the info before using it and you'll be good to go. Enjoy. 
Hello, first of all Steam blocks accounts and groups which are being gathered by spamming invites.
Secondly, your program is closed source and asks for steam account / password + disabling steam guard.
I do know that this is required in order to send invites, but you put users to maximum risk, there is nothing they can do if you steal their login/pass with steam guard off and since it's closed source program requiring connection to internet...
I will advice everyone to think twice before using closed source program from a person with 1 posts requiring you login/pass and disabling steam guard.
I don't understand how you can say maximum risk?
In order to invite people you need to be logged in with a user account on Steam, hence the user and password fields. This information is not gathered by the database or any other place.
As far as Steam guard is concerned, you're at no risk with it off any more than you were before they released steam guard. Just use common sense, you know, don't visit links random people send you or give your password out.

When you're done with GATOR you can always turn steam guard back on.
GATOR requires a connection to our database to authenticate the user. When a user donates and gets unlimited version that version is locked to the users computer so it can not be used by anyone but that person. It does this so the program doesn't get passed around freely or shared.
GATOR does not steal anything from the users. It's made to gather users and invite them to a group. It has features that make the process easier and more productive. That's all it does.
Also, GATOR is designed to be extremely resource friendly. It doesn't make as many requests to Steam as a normal invite. It maintains a pace that is fast enough, but not so fast it will slam Steams servers.
A lot of time and thought went into this program with these goals.
Make is safe to use.
Make it resource and network friendly.
Make it secure and the users information secure.
Make it powerful.
I think we've done all of the above. We have several users and they all enjoy using it. I'm sure they will report that nothing has happened to their Steam accounts.
Also all user information is kept private and will not be shared with anyone at any time. All information is encrypted as well. So unless you tell someone you're using it and considering GATOR doesn't harm Steam in any way, it's highly unlikely anything will happen to your Steam account because you used GATOR.