SRCDS Steam group

Thinking of starting a GSP
Me and a few others are thinking of starting a GSP. We would be using Cpanel for both website and Game management runing only on Dual Xeons located in Texas. Our prices would probably be like this:
15 Users = $5.00 unlimited badnwidth/admin accounts
30 users = $7.50 unlimited bandwidth/admin accounts

Counter-Strike: Source:

All game servers come with a website and email for a clan or whatever.
Slots starting at $1.34 to $1.60 per person (the more slots the cheaper it is per person)
Price per slot for 16-30 max players $1.60
price per slot for 32-46 max players $1.41
Price per slot for 48-64 max players $1.34
5GB space for website/server. either no bandwidth limit for site or a 50/70 gb limit a month. and 10 gb available for 3$ extra.

They can choose from a list of domains for their subdomain
list is (not limited to):
thats just some crappy ones Toungue
Theres more just need to find em...

So what do you all think? Would the prices be good? not too big?
Oh and we would support other games too.

Thanks for any input you can provide! Smile

edit: we set up a test server. If people could ping it and say what their average ping is it would be nice Smile
oo.. well i pingd it, and got a 51 ping. but i ran a tracert and got 14 hops, 3/4 of them were after gettin out of my isp. so most of the hops were because of there networks, and most all of the latency was withen there network.

-edit- in steam browser list average ping is upper 70's/80's. so not too good. im not that far from texas. i don't feel like joining though. maybe i will later..
I would not reccommend this. I know cpanel, and am a hosting provider (not for gameservers). The cpanel gameserver addon is still in beta. I would recommend you go with a more designed panel, focused on game server, not hosting panel. is what I would use, and is not to costly either.
i wouldnt go with cpanel.
Teamspeak seems a bit cheap, after licensing (you are going to be teamspeak licensed arnt you?) you will only be making around $3 for 15 slots

You may find it better to charge the same as the slots increase. As the slots increase so does the CPU usage etc so lowering the price per slot as the slots increase is probably not a wise move.

My personal choice of control panel is

Also, dont think of running a GSP as a quick money maker, its far from it.

-Paul Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
The problem with tcadmin is that its win32 only, he might be running linux Toungue

Agreed on the quick money thing. FOr most, you won't be making very much until about almost a year or so into the business.
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starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
tcadmin has a linux version available soon Wink Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
I am pretty sure you dont need licensing for teamspeak. You DO need licensing for Vent though.
You do need licensing for teamspeak and for ventrilo Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
O... authorized.... forgot that we were looking at business level teamspeak. I was just thinking of a typical install...

Hehe, my bad.
Stealth Wrote:tcadmin has a linux version available soon Wink

Probably not soon enough though. GameCP works real nice. THough if you don't know what you're doing it can be a pain. Well.. they might have improved installion but im not sure. I started my own control panel in PHP, well, i based it off a friends PHP code, I pretty much added to it.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
is within the next month or two soon enough? Wink

Im not sure there are any decent panels that support both types of OS, but tcadmin sure is a good panel with great support. Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
IIRC GameCP supports win32 and linux. But people needa stop thinking bout win32, if they're going to do windows, then move to winx64.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
works on 64bit also Toungue Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices
I thnk its still a 32bit application though.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
meh, cant have it all Wink Gaming Servers
Licensed Ventrilo Host - AA Honor Provider - Great Service & Prices

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