SRCDS Steam group

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What does a GP need
A key and IP based would probably be more secure.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
(04-23-2011, 05:35 AM)loopyman Wrote:  A key and IP based would probably be more secure.

That is what I thought too.

I am very close to an oficial release. It took so long because I kept on adding requested functions for the people that are already using it.
Currently I have language files for english, german, spanish, russian and finnish.

Some of the new things is the support of vmware including pxeboot, dhcpserver and so on.

Also I added a templatesystem and restartplaner. The restartplaner is self explaining while watching the screenshots.

Users now can reinstall and resync a server. Resync means acedentially deleted files will be added once more. Reinstall means whiping all data and make a fresh install.

What I call "Templatesystem" is this:
A user gets gets three installs for every gameserver(port). Since I am using symlinks it does not really matter if I create 1 or 3 folders with a size from 100kb to 1MB depending on the game.
This templates are named shorten, shorten-2, shorten-3. At the restartplaner and the settings these templates are available for loading. That way he can set up 3 templates for 3 different leguages. Or one server for testing one as productive enviroment. Also you could run the server 1/2 the week or day as deathmatch and the rest as gungame server.
[Image: user_calendar-300x300.jpg]
[Image: user_calendar2-295x300.jpg]

Regarding the already published functions here are some current screenshots:
[Image: adminhome-297x300.jpg]
[Image: rootadd1-300x300.jpg]
[Image: gameservertemplates-300x300.jpg]
[Image: masteradd-300x300.jpg]
[Image: useradd1-298x300.jpg]
[Image: gameserveradd1-300x297.jpg]
[Image: gameserveradd2-300x296.jpg]
[Image: user_gsoverview-298x300.jpg]
[Image: user_config-300x294.jpg]
[Image: fastdownload1-298x300.jpg]
[Image: user_addon-300x271.jpg]
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Your panel would be very valuable if it had some real Minecraft support.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Define "real".

Never worked with such shitty software before. No serverqueries possible, eats ram like it is nothing, looks like 90s game and eats more recources than crysis and so on...
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Meh, Yea you're right. I'm kinda sick of the half assed broken plugins and crap for Minecraft anyway. The game was super cool with friends for like a few months, now it's like they aren't even doing anything with it. IN the past 5 months of development we have wolves, beds, and weather while they have over 10 million Euros in sales.

Oh and lets not forget the never ending pit of crap addons and plugins that were coded by little Billy with his "Java for Dummies" book. /rant
I do not mind the graphics. Its a indy game. But if a game or with the help of one shitty addon can bring a powerfull quadcore to its knees with only a few players there is something horribly wrong.
Looking like 90s game why is it using recources like 2010s? Obviously the coders should learn something about efficency.

if they have to choices like:
PHP Code:
$pselect=$sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=:id");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' => $id));
foreach (
$pselect->fetchAll() as $row) {


PHP Code:
$pselect=$sql->prepare("SELECT name FROM table WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' => $id));
foreach (
$pselect->fetchAll() as $row) {

I guess they choose option 1 because it is shorter and easier to write.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
(06-07-2011, 12:35 AM)Terrorkarotte Wrote:  
(04-23-2011, 05:35 AM)loopyman Wrote:  A key and IP based would probably be more secure.
Currently I have language files for english, german, spanish, russian and finnish.

If you want your cp to be translated in French, I could help.
Since a online demo can tell more than any picture or word can do I created one.

A not always up to date version can be found here:

The access data to the admin area from where you can switch to the user:
Quote:Username: admin
Password: demo123

Direkt userlogin:
Quote:Benutzername: user4
Passwort: demo123

Check whether a server is running in "protection mode" or not (ESL Stuff):
You can test it with the IP “″.

In all areas except the ticketsystem the data won´t change if you add, delete or modify even if the panel tells you that it changed.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
i want beta beta beta beta beta beta i love it Smile

I kept on adding new things and features and the time went by.
Some people where already using it and giving some feedback.

Now it is time to open up some more:

For starters I will host the panel for free and in a limited version. Limited means 1 root and 4 gameservers which should be enough for the most of the small clans and testing.

The reason why I do not hand the files out yet is simple: When a bug is found during this period I can react faster.

You can use a password or your own keyfile to connect to your server. No root priviligues are required except useradd/mod/del via sudo

The serverprogramm has a installer which will configure the most things in a dialog.

Current languages are english, spanish, german, finnish and russian.

The wiki is only done in german so far, but I will work on a english version as soon as possible.

if you are interested you can contact me via PM or post a comment on this side:

If you write a PM mak sure your account is configured to recieve PMs to Wink
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
open sourceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please Smile i have more than 10 gameservers in my community. and i want to implement an IPN for sell admins.

Sorry 4 my english.
Terrorkarotte you used to be active on my GamePanelX forums, but you decided to write a complete new control panel?
Linux Gameserver connoisseur, SRCDS admin.
There were too many things that I did not like about gamepanelx. If you want something 100% your way you need to do it on your own.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Is this being developed anymore? Your GP looks amazing and would be a great product.
It is still developed.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download

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