SRCDS Steam group

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What does a GP need

if you need spanish translation, pm me ( im from argentina )
If you need a danish translation pm me with the strings.
Just wanted to give a heads up.

I reworte all querys to the database. Why? I changed from the usage of mysql_query() to PDO.
Because of that PHP 5.1 or newer will be required.

The reasons for that step:
- Less danger for SQL Injections
- the possibility to use nearly all kinds of SQL databases just by changing one parameter at the connect command
- prepared statements

With the help of PDO and prepared statements I added logging functions. That way nobody can deny what he did. It will be also logged if an admin does something as an user. If the action was an action that can only b performed by an user the username is displayed as a link to switch to that user.

[Image: log.jpg]
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

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newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww's? i want it Toungue
My plan is to release it at the end of April.

My biggest problem at the moment is, that I do not have a name for my panel.
All names I came up with where already taken Sad
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
(04-13-2011, 10:46 PM)Terrorkarotte Wrote:  My plan is to release it at the end of April.

My biggest problem at the moment is, that I do not have a name for my panel.
All names I came up with where already taken Sad

(04-13-2011, 11:03 PM)realchamp Wrote:  KarottePanel!!!


litepanel (?)

Have you ever thought of maybe sub-accounts? for clients who wish to give access to a clan/team mate or friend to the server but not have them have to actually have access to the main login to the server.
Also maybe a built in support system that can either forward and email to a billing software or the ability to have an API linking the billing software with the game panel for both support and maybe down the road automated setups/suspensions/cancellations ? | Cheap Ventrilo Servers | Cheap Voice Servers
Highest Quality | Instant Setup | 24/7/365 Support | Locations World Wide
Since there are many billing softwares and so on it would take to much time to make it compatible with the most important ones. Time that I do not have or better do not want to spend.

I already build my own simple ticketsystem. Admins can define (sub)categories and their priority. On adminside tickets will be sorted
by priority and date.
On userside it will be date only. That way the user only can guess the priority with which he will be handelt.

The admin can close, open and delete tickets. The user can only close them. When a user closes a ticket, he will be asked for a feedback. On the one hand rate it from 1-6 and on the other he can gie a comment if he likes.

When a ticket is opened it is marked as "unedited". If an admin reads it the status won`t get changed. He needs to push the "edit" button. From that point on the ticket will be flagged as his ticket. Hopefully that will prevent two supporters working on the same ticket.

The possible sorting options should be self explaining if you see the pictures.

Users view:
[Image: support_user1.jpg]

The editing and adding of (sub)categories
[Image: support4.jpg]

[Image: support5.jpg]

The tickets on admins side:
[Image: support1.jpg]

[Image: support2.jpg]

[Image: support3.jpg]
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
one question: do you plan on releasing this for free? if not how much for a license?

also, great work!
Could you atleast involve some sort of automated user creation and setup API with fancy keys etc so we can do some billing system automation?

Quote:Because of that PHP 5.1 or newer will be required.
Who is still running PHP 4?!

And as for a name:
Terror Control Panel ( TCP for the derps )
Karrotte Control
Carrot Control ( For the Americans )
Pro Control
Terror Panel
GS Control
GS Panel
Service Panel
Simple online web based integrated game server intelligence control system OR SOWBIGSICS
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
It won´t be open source software since too many companies would use it to save money and still demand free support.
That is why it won´t be free for companies.
Yet I am not sure how to handle private persons. I am considering a limited version where you can handle ten or less servers for free.

Since your not the only person that asked that question I probably will add an api. But for the moment my knowledge about such software IS NULL. Can you give me an example how your software would send data to the panel? Is it GET, or POST? Can a verification, that your software sends the data included?

Since I am planning to sell the panel and do not limit it to gameservers, names inlcuding my nickname or gameserver are not an option. All names or the domain to it I came up with so far are already taken. Maybe a name not related to interface, panel, control would be a solution. But I haven´t found anything I liked yet :/

Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Simple Server Panel Smile That is my coin! And the domain is still out there. (I owned it for quite sometime so guess that might be why it ain't taken)
If you don't put some sort of API in it then most companies will find it useless as we like to involve automated setups so clients can get their game server quickly. I'm not sure how exactly ours work as they aren't open source. I'm pretty sure it involves some IP address and md5 hash keys between the panel and the billing system. From there I would expect that they use POST as you will probably be sending quite a bit of information to the panel.

Also you could always make it free and open source and just charge for support. We rarely even ask TCAdmin for support anymore, but it's great to have around with things start getting buggy.

Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
To be honest make a simple api based on XML based post request/responses.
Then protect it by using a key that you have to send with the data, or do like TCAdmin, IP based.

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