SRCDS Steam group
I just finished most of the code for my new project and want to make it public:

- It is a free renting service for servers.
- maximum rent time is two hours
- The servers are hosted in europe (germany).
- All Server CFGs and maps for leagues like ESL are available
- Fastdownload for the custom maps is set up
- Available games: CS 1.6, CSS, TF2, DODS

How it works:
Once you selected "Leihen" (german word for rent) the page will show you all available servers. Select the server and time you want and hit the submit button "Leihen". If a server is still available new passwords will be generated and the server will be started. The passwords and the other data will be shown to you in raw, HLSW and steam link.
In two cases the server will stop before the selected time goes by:
- no players online
- hostname changed
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
English Translation???
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
The current Page is only a placeholder to test the code behind the lending system.

At the moment we are working on new features:
- multilingual system
- possible to register to get some extras (we will maintain the ability to lend servers without registration)
- replacing cookies by mysql (it is too easy to get around the minimum intervall of lending with cookies even with cookies required code)
- new Design
- some other stuff

Edit: New page is online. Now you have multilingual support Wink
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
What all is required to become a lender?
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Register, ask me and have ssh access to the server you want to lend with. We do not charge for anything.
The idea is that the lenders can make ads and show how good there servers are. Or if you are not a hoster giving him a chance to be a nice person.
The users will have (hopefully) good servers for a limited time and purchase the server if they like it.

As you can see we already included multilanguage support. If you need other languages just tell me and we can work something out.
The serverbinary also includes a servermanagement with symlinks, autoconfigs and so on.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Ah, I couldn't provide any Linux servers... I was just asking what hardware / software requirements. Sorry I can't help!
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Just wanted to give a note that I included STV support. If the user is registered autorecord is used to create the demofiles. Once they are finished the lending system detects this, compresses the demo and uploads it to the webspace. The user gets the link to his demofiles when he orders a server and can download them for 7 days.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
This is actually a really cool idea, but how will you get dedi boxes to run it, and how will you make money from it?
Banners in the motd?
Currently all available servers are hosted by clans. Many have dedi boxes and can spare 10-20 slots that are only active on demand. The lending system only starts a server when it is needed. So we can reduce the load when they are unused.

If a hoster would like he could add (a) server(s) too:
In case he gets a request from a person that wants to test a server before he orders he can give him a link to That way he can save time (time=money).
If you have looked over the page the hosters domain is placed at the serverlist (in case all are taken only the selectbutton disappears).
Hopefully he will get some new customers that way if people realise that the hosters servers are good. Even if they do not know about the hoster before.
Also I coded an add system. The hoster gets a config (werbung.list) where he can add as many lines of ad as he likes. Every minute this lines are send to the serverchat. That way the very last person should notice on whos server he is playing.

The basic concept is: Clans and Private Persons can be nice and Hosters can gain new customers by offering good servers.

Currently we are working on a new Design with bannerrotation and such.

The serverdeamon also can be used to set up all the servers and update them. I am using symlinks so that you only need 1 installation per game and reduces the traffic/IO usage to create and update a server. Also you only need to upload configs/maps etc. once.
Its easy to use and setup. There is also an option that allows you to update all servers at once which works nice in combination with cron.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
If you got a proper api for connection.

Then ill make you a Windows hoster thingy Smile
The Connection from web to gameserver is via ssh. That way we do not need any extra open ports at the gameserverend and secure them.
Most of the lending is handeld on the the gameserverroot itsself:
Page says give me a server for x minutes, root checks wether there is a server and starts it (actually there is a lot more going on)
Nearly all vital lending functions are written to use standart linux tools like tail, awk and sed.

So writing something for MS means writing a new lending system. We never thought about windows cause in Europe nearly all admins use Linux for Gameserverhosting
Also it is very easy to code such deamons for linux. The demo upload for example is ~10 lines of code total.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download
Well thought it worked using some sort of "Deamon" running on the game host end.
But seems not Smile Any ways, if you one day make a web service or such, then the offer is still there Smile
Also, make the system look simple...
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Just wanted to give an update:

We expanded the service. Now it is possible to lend SourceTV proxie servers:

The new feature is in its testing phase. That is why only CSS is available so far. Once we are certian the whole code works as it should, we will add HLTV and more games.

Thanks to Christoffer (lol554) from the main parts of the page are available in danish too.

Currently we are looking for persons that can help us translating some phrases. Its more or less only navigation and the rules. The rest of the language files are pretty small and contain only a few lines/words.
Interactive web based config creator for CS, CSS, TF2 and DODS
Creates server and client configs in an explained dialog.

You`ll also find precompiled debian gameserver kernels for download

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