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srcds_cstrike Complete Package
Thanks to: srcds, EventScripts, Metamod:Source, SourceMod and Mani Admin Plugin.

srcds_cstrike_CP is a srcds cstrike server installer. You can choose to install a basic, VipMod, gungame, ZombieMod or Deathmatch server and with different mods.

- Documentation
- Videos
- Download

Install options:

EventScripts v2.0.0.250i Public Beta2
- Es Tools
- gungame 5

Metamod:Source 1.7.1
- Vip Mod 1.0.H
- Zombie Mod v2
- Mani Admin Plugin V1.2 Beta S hotfix -2 (Loaded via Metamod:Source)
- Mani Admin Plugin Quake Sound Pack

SourceMod 1.2.4
- CS:S DM (Deathmatch) 2.1.0

Mani Admin Plugin V1.2 Beta S hotfix -2 (VSP - Standard Method)
- Quake Sound Pack

- cs_harvest
- cs_office_version
- de_dust2_bynight_v1


[Image: srcds_cstrike1.jpg]

[Image: srcds_cstrikecp2.jpg]

[Image: srcds_cstrike3.jpg]
Moved to correct forum...and nice job Smile
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
sourcemod plz
Thanks. Sorry didn't see there is a Programs and Utilities forum.
SourceMod is in aswell.
srcds_cstrike Complete Package Has been updated:

Metamod:Source 1.7.1 >> 1.8.0
SourceMod 1.2.4 >> 1.3.1
Mani Admin Plugin V1.2 Beta S hotfix -2 >> V1.2 T
Added Maps: awp_dust, cs_italy_tactik2
[Image: url_logo.png]
Well done, this is awesome.
I´ve updated the installer!

The new installer is just for a clean srcds css install, i´m working on the new mod installer to use together with this one. (Will come soon)

Update info:

- The new srcds_css installer is just 1.93MB big. Files are downloaded during the install. This makes you save time.

- Files are downloaded with the Steam HLDS Update Tool. So you will allways have the latest srcds server version.

- Of course it is updated for the OrangeBox Smile

- Now you dont have to wait almost 5 min. before the installer runs.

- The server and the mod installer are now separate so users that allready have a css srcds server installed can use it.

- New and more friendly interface

Download it here:;sa=view;down=28


[Image: screen1.jpg]

[Image: screen2.jpg]

[Image: screen22.jpg]

[Image: screen3.jpg]

Some time Later Smile
[Image: screen4.jpg]
[Image: url_logo.png]
Don't really need the full screen installation window screen shots >_>

Useful for beginners I suppose.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Wtb resized images Sad To large...
WTS [Glowing Image Resizer]
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
cant donwload this
how i can download that
Same problem! I can't download it. concrete sealing pittsburgh

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