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Help Calculating Rates and other things
Server OS: XP PRO SP3
Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core e2160 1.8
Ram: 2GB
Game(s): CSS
Start Up Command:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title WatchDog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -secure -tickrate 100 -pingboost 3 +fps_max 0 +maxplayers 24 +map aim_ag_texture2 -autoupdate -ip -port 27015
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
Admin Mods: SourceMod , super admin some things more to sourcemod menu
+ not admin mods : cssdm loaded and set to off mostly and headshot only plugin to sourcemod set to off
INSTALLING INFO: I am not sure about this but the server working so
this is on lan and its not for gaming at all

I want help calculating the rates
and i want some info which tickrate to use
my connection is 512kbps which has good upload speed
i used application called HLServerRates.exe
it told me to input
cpu speed: as if i got 1 core
and ram : 2gb
then it told me 24 max players recommended
then in the speed section it said input ur speed up or down which is lower
and in players i putted 8
i inputed 420
and it showed to me
Quote:sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 9843.75
sv_minrateupdate 13
sv_maxrateupdate 32.8125
ok i dont wanna use that i want some profissionals to help me calculating every thing also it did'nt mentioned sv_max and min cmdrate
and advice me which tickrate to use
thanks in advanced

I'm afraid that 512kbps is not good at all! You will be able to run 8 players at maximum.

Also on rates:
for 8 players: 512(kbps) * 128 / 8 (players) = 8192
So I would set sv_maxrate to like 8500
Also, sv_maxupdaterate 33
sv_maxcmdrate 33
sv_mincmdrate 33

That is all you need Smile
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(11-14-2009, 02:59 AM)Drocona Wrote:  Hi,

I'm afraid that 512kbps is not good at all! You will be able to run 8 players at maximum.

Also on rates:
for 8 players: 512(kbps) * 128 / 8 (players) = 8192
So I would set sv_maxrate to like 8500
Also, sv_maxupdaterate 33
sv_maxcmdrate 33
sv_mincmdrate 33

That is all you need Smile

thanks i dont wanna much players
1 meit wont affect coz on lan am i ?
+ 7-8 players outside
i will try them
1 more question
what the minrate and minupdaterate u recommend
and tickrate
btw: fps is 512 like
and maxrate is 8500 or the one u specified
i rememberd i hosted cod4 server with 11 players discluding me and it was on sempron 2.0 ghz notebook and 512 ram and pings were stable
but css is more complicated
You can forget about minupdaterate and minrate, after one year of using the srcds I stopped using them, up till this very day there still is no use for them!
You can set them and use them but they won't actually do anything, we know what they are supposed to do but they don't work that way Smile

So yeah the rates I gave you in my previous post is all you need.
Also, 33 tickrate is very well the maximum.

FPS is fine.
Pings are based on your bandwidth, so yeah if that CoD4 server stayed within your upload bandwidth maximum the pings would be fine. Frankly, the machines needed to run simple small dedicated servers like these don't require much of a computer at all Smile

Players connecting over LAN are using at least a 10mbit connection, so you don't have to count LAN players towards your upload speed. Just people that connect from outside your house use the upload connection of your internet. Just a note though, hosting more players also requires more kbps per slot, so simply substracting the LAN players from your bandwidth doesn't work that well in general, but since you are running a small server anyway the difference is most likely negligible.
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thanks for all the helps
i generaly made the min rates to 0 is that ok ?
and i made tickrate to 33 also i think updaterate related to tickrates
so i knew that things are more complicated Big Grin
also do i need to update the server regulary today i ran the hldsupdatetool
with this
hldsupdatetool -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir C:\servers\srcds\css
and it updated server.dll and server_i486.dll
because it shown to me incorrect price blob version , please update ur server i googled about it they told to put command in the config or startup line but i am not sure
so now i think i am getting a bit chokes in round start goes to 8 and getting few choke to 20 like when playing aim_domination and some one throw nade at the weapons !
i am not sure what those guys facing outside my home
thanks again
Yes it's all quite logical how it works, just a little more options.

You are right that maxupdaterate has things to do with the tickrate. The tickrate sets the main "thinks per second" on the server, then sv_maxupdaterate is there to manually throttle the "updates per second" to your players, this is directly related to the tickrate. You can set maxupdaterate lower than the tickrate if you wish to save bandwidth or whatever reason you see fit, you can't however go higher than the tickrate #. You can set it higher but it will overwritten by the tickrate set Smile

Updating is not necessary, when you really have to update your server it will give you a message, without updating at that time you won't be able to start the server. Updating once a week or 2 weeks is more than enough.
The command they told you about (most likely -autoupdate) only works for linux, you have to update manually on windows.

About the choke, choke comes up when the server wants to use more bandwidth than what you set in the sv_maxrate. You set sv_maxrate to 8500 which is 8,5KB/s (68kbps) so the server will not send more than that, but when the server wants to send more it results in choke. As long as your choke stays below 20 there will not be a performance decrease on your server.
If it's starting to be a problem I suggest removing that map from your server or hosting less players since you can't afford to raise the maxrate due to upload bandwidth limitations.

As for the other players outside your home, they see exactly the same as you do on the net_graph, only the pings are different, as long as these don't spike up to like 300 for them it's all fine.
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oh well i was having the -autoupdate so its useless on windows ?
it appears the choke goes to 50 when at round start after 5 seconds freezetime and some one thrown a nade at weapons area in domination
and it is kind a normal if pings pumped at round start for other players ? in the freezetime
it happens to my cod4 server before when running search and destroy game type each round start but it goes fast
thanks and so far the problem seems resloved or beter than before
On smaller connections there will always be the roundstart choke and ping spike, it's completely normal Smile
This happens because the server resets everything and moves all physics back in to place, it uses quite some bandwidth.

You can remove -autoupdate, it doesn't hurt having it in there but it doesn't do anythign so.
I guess all there is left then is to say: Have fun with your server!
If there are any questions feel free to drop by again and ask.
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well thanks i can see that things move pretty fast like respawning players in round starts
one more question
can i use that rate calculating app to get beter rates and lower the max slots in order to test things
like HLServerRates.exe
i ran it i enter cpu speed and ram and player i want
then it show minrate as 0 always
and max rate and maxupdaterate and minupdaterate minupdaterate it always show it as 13
any ways as u said before that minrates are'nt requiered to set just keep it 0
i think they had thier own uses
like if some one entered the server and lowered his rate minrate will prevent him from lowering his rate too much ..
if u kept it 0 he can use any rate he want right? this is kinda bad for him or us or no ?
i heard some ppls saying keep it 5000 to prevent dial up users or some things
what u suggest ?
also if HLServerRates.exe generates the raets
what should i put the tickrate in command line ? excatly as maxupdate rate or how can i set it ?
thanks again
one more question
can i limit max and minrates to the same value ?
and how can i know the maxcmdrate ? is it the same as maxupdaterate
I don't think any rate program will be able to give you better rates than I gave you before, programs can't adapt and the way you are talking about that program it doesn't sound even near correct to me.
You are right about the sv_minrate, that was supposed to be the purpose, but it doesn't work. That's why I say it doesn't matter what you set it to.
Also, yes you can limit them to the same value.
The maxcmdrate is the maximum cl_cmdrate on the client that will run on the server, it's the same thing as the servers maxupdaterate only then for the client.
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(12-07-2009, 06:15 AM)Drocona Wrote:  I don't think any rate program will be able to give you better rates than I gave you before, programs can't adapt and the way you are talking about that program it doesn't sound even near correct to me.
You are right about the sv_minrate, that was supposed to be the purpose, but it doesn't work. That's why I say it doesn't matter what you set it to.
Also, yes you can limit them to the same value.
The maxcmdrate is the maximum cl_cmdrate on the client that will run on the server, it's the same thing as the servers maxupdaterate only then for the client.

what do u mean by the red thingy
u mean by cl_cmdrate ? is to show the current cmdrate on the player hmm lets assume max min sv_cmdrates are the same so if the player putted cl_cmdrate it will be forced to him right? even though the min not working well as u said
so sv_maxupdaterate=sv_maxcmdrate at all times?
ok lets assume that i am calculating
and tell me how to calculate maxupdaterate cause i am afraid if i googled i will get wrong results coz does'nt seem easy to get hl2 / source guids or its losty some how Sad
ok and about the tickrate in the cmd line ? is it the excatly same as maxupdaterate or how to have it less or more ?
i am just asking in order to help my friends creating some servers they got a bit beter speeds than mine Smile
my home phone line cant handle 1mbps stably Sad
Ok let me put it this way:

Tickrate: The Main setting for the think rate of the server, also the maximum number of updates to send to a client per sec. This overrides ALL settings related to updates that are set higher.
Maxupdaterate: The main setting to limit the server to an amount of updates per second, tick100 wants to send 100/s, maxupdaterate 60 will limit it to 60/s
Maxcmdrate: The main setting that the server will force the clients to have as cl_updaterate. setting this to 60 when the client has cl_updaterate 100, will override the client temporarily setting cl_updaterate to 60 for the session on your server.

updaterate: This is the maximum amount of updates/sec the client wants to receive from the server, sv_maxcmdrate on a server is able to override this.
cmdrate: This is the maximum amount of updates your client wants to send to the server, this is the clients "tickrate". Also limited by the FPS of the running game client. cmdrate 100 with 60 FPS will give 60 updates/sec. This rate can only be limited by the tickrate of the server, it can not be increased!

So now, maxupdaterate should simply be at however many updates you want to send per sec to your clients. Normally you'd want this higher than the set tickrate on the server.
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can u tell how to calculate sv_maxupdaterate plz thanks alot
There is nothing to calculate about the sv_maxupdaterate.

If you want a 66tickrate server, your sv_maxupdaterate has to be no lower than 66.
for 100 tick it should be no lower than 100.
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