SRCDS Steam group

hlstats help
I tryed to use that but I got stuck on step 2 " "
Have you tried?
yes, got stuck on step 2 when I must write in ppm in the cmd
Didn't it work?
i says "this is not a program or network or comando file"...
unranked Wrote:i says "this is not a program or network or comando file"...

Put the downloaded file into that folder and then run that command agian.
witch folder?
no it's working now i'm installing mysql
unranked Wrote:witch folder?

From the folder where you downloaded the .exe/.msi whatever you've downloaded.
yeah I must write in my mysql things and it looks like this "if ( !defined('IN_HLSTATS') ) { die('Do not access this file directly'); }

// DB_NAME - The name of the database
define("hlxe", "");

// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("hlxe", "");

// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("", "");

// DB_ADDR - The address of the database server, in host:port format.
// (You might also try setting this to e.g. ":/tmp/mysql.sock" to
// use a Unix domain socket, if your mysqld is on the same box as
// your web server.)
define("DB_ADDR", "localhost");

// DB_TYPE - The database server type. Only "mysql" is supported currently
define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

// DB_PCONNECT - Set to 1 to use persistent database connections. Persistent
// connections can give better performance, but may overload
// the database server. Set to 0 to use non-persistent
// connections.
define("DB_PCONNECT", 0);" does it look right?
No. It does not.

// DB_NAME - The name of the database
define("hlxe", "");

// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("hlxe", "");

// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("", "");

// DB_ADDR - The address of the database server, in hostort format.
// (You might also try setting this to e.g. ":/tmp/mysql.sock" to
// use a Unix domain socket, if your mysqld is on the same box as
// your web server.)
define("DB_ADDR", "localhost");

// DB_TYPE - The database server type. Only "mysql" is supported currently
define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

// DB_PCONNECT - Set to 1 to use persistent database connections. Persistent
// connections can give better performance, but may overload
// the database server. Set to 0 to use non-persistent
// connections.
define("DB_PCONNECT", 0);" does it look right?

You've to fill in database etc too.
okey lokey does this look right?

## Database Settings

# DBHost - Database server "address" or "address:port". Address can be an IP or
# a hostname. The default MySQL port is 3306 (tcp).
DBHost "localhost"

this is in hlstats.conf
# DBUsername - User to connect to the database as.
DBUsername "hlxce"

# DBPassword - Password for the database user.
DBPassword ""

# DBName - Name of the database to use.
DBName "hlxce"

# DBLow

this is in hlstats.conf
Should be okay, unless you've a password.

Well give it a shot!
Objektet hittas ej!
Den efterfrågade adressen hittades inte på denna server. Länken på den tidigare sidan verkar vara felaktig eller inaktuell. Vänligen informera författaren av sidan om felet.

Om du tror att detta beror på ett serverfel, vänligen kontakta webbansvarig.

Error 404
2009-09-10 16:48:32
Apache/2.2.12 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.12 OpenSSL/0.9.8k mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.0 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
I got problems the get my site online but the perldemon works, any help with the apache?

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