SRCDS Steam group

hlstats help
done, it looks like this

// DB_NAME - The name of the database
define("DB_NAME", "");

// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("DB_USER", "");

// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("DB_PASS", "");

// DB_ADDR - The address of the database server, in host:port format.
// (You might also try setting this to e.g. ":/tmp/mysql.sock" to
// use a Unix domain socket, if your mysqld is on the same box as
// your web server.)
define("DB_ADDR", "localhost");

// DB_TYPE - The database server type. Only "mysql" is supported currently
define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

// DB_PCONNECT - Set to 1 to use persistent database connections. Persistent
// connections can give better performance, but may overload
// the database server. Set to 0 to use non-persistent
// connections.
define("DB_PCONNECT", 0);
Okay then fill in the stuff Smile
only one problem I cant go to my homepage http://localhost/xampp

any more dont know why. and I cant press in apache start in xampp control panel, It don't work,
unranked Wrote:only one problem I cant go to my homepage http://localhost/xampp

any more dont know why. and I cant press in apache start in xampp control panel, It don't work,

Do you have the xampp folder in there? Big Grin
in the control panel?
Its works now and hlstatsx want to me change site url and I change it too http://www.unranked.tdl/hlstatsx/ but it dont work, my freinds cant se the homapage only me with the http://localhost/hlstatsx
well it works on this url:
You can go to the homepage and se of you self what's the problems. I think the problem is perl daemon it don't work, with the ports...
unranked Wrote:Its works now and hlstatsx want to me change site url and I change it too http://www.unranked.tdl/hlstatsx/ but it dont work, my freinds cant se the homapage only me with the http://localhost/hlstatsx

Yes ofcause it does not work.

Just make a DNS to the IP from your hosts control panel.
It works now! Big Grin My friend help me Smile Thanks for your time Big Grin
No problem Smile

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