SRCDS Steam group

Garrys Mod Server issues.
Ok, so after tons of issues, I figured out what I was doing wrong. My server started up (I think) but I couldn't see it in the server list. Which was no surprise since the server.cfg couldn't execute. What I don't understand is how it was giving me the server's FPS???? On top of that it generated a bunch of issues with the map. It couldn't load a bunch of materials, vphysics models, and physics objects. I think that has something to do wit not having all the needed content, but even still some of the CS:S stuff didn't load, so I don't know what to think. How do I post the log it generated?
Oh and here:

Server OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8GHz
Ram: 1gb
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command: c:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game "garrysmod" +map RP_Downtown_V2 -maxplayers 12
Admin Mods: ULX Mod; which did load correctly =)

I know, I know. I had an old PC lying around and wanted to see what it could do. I'm just running a DarkRP game which is almost nothing. I'm not trying to run a 12 person sandbox. I don't have a terrible internet connection, maybe it's nothing compared to some of you guys, but it's not bad.

If anyone is still reading up to this point, here is my server.cfg

    "hostname"                "********"
      "rcon_password"             "********"
      "sv_password"             ""
    "sv_region"             "0" // eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
    "sv_lan"                "0"

// Sandbox server settings
    "sbox_allownpcs"            "0"
    "sbox_godmode"            "0"
    "sbox_plpldamage"            "0"  // set this to 1 to disable player vs player damage.
    "sbox_playergod"            "0"
    "sbox_noclip"            "0"

// Sandbox limits
    "sbox_maxprops"            "4"
    "sbox_maxragdolls"        "0"
    "sbox_maxnpcs"            "0"
    "sbox_maxballoons"        "1"
    "sbox_maxeffects"            "0"
    "sbox_maxdynamite"        "0"
    "sbox_maxlamps"            "2"
    "sbox_maxthrusters"        "2"
    "sbox_maxwheels"            "4"
    "sbox_maxhoverballs"        "2"
    "sbox_maxvehicles"        "0"
    "sbox_maxbuttons"            "5"
    "sbox_maxsents"            "0"
    "sbox_maxemitters"        "1"
    "sbox_maxspawners"        "0"
    "sbox_maxturrets"            "0"

// Sandbox WIRE limits
// If you are not running wire addon, remove this entire section.
    "sbox_maxwire_wheels"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_waypoints"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_values"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_twoway_radioes"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_turret"            "10"
    "sbox_maxwire_thrusters"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_target_finders"        "10"
    "sbox_maxwire_speedometers"        "14"
    "sbox_maxwire_emitters"            "25"
    "sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive"    "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_sensors"            "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_screens"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_relays"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_rangers"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_radioes"            "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_sockets"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_plugs"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_pixels"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_panels"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_outputs"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_oscilloscopes"        "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_locators"            "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_lights"            "16"
    "sbox_maxwire_inputs"            "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_indicators"        "21"
    "sbox_maxwire_hoverballs"        "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_gyroscopes"        "10"
    "sbox_maxwire_gpss"            "10"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_trigs"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_times"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_selections"    "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_memorys"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_logics"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gate_comparisons"    "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_gates"            "50"
    "sbox_maxwire_explosive"        "30"
    "sbox_maxwire_dual_inputs"        "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_detonators"        "20"
    "sbox_maxwire_buttons"            "25"
    "sbox_maxwire_adv_inputs"        "20"
I didn't change wire limits because I didn't install wire =). I had gotten this .cfg from the Wiki, so please let me know what I need to change.
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
You need to take out the little { and } so the server.cfg needs to be
"hostname"                "********"
      "rcon_password"             "********"
      "sv_password"             ""
    "sv_region"             "0" // eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
    "sv_lan"                "0"

// Sandbox server settings
    "sbox_allownpcs"            "0"
    "sbox_godmode"            "0"
    "sbox_plpldamage"            "0"  // set this to 1 to disable player vs player damage.
    "sbox_playergod"            "0"
    "sbox_noclip"            "0"

// Sandbox limits
    "sbox_maxprops"            "4"
    "sbox_maxragdolls"        "0"
    "sbox_maxnpcs"            "0"
    "sbox_maxballoons"        "1"
    "sbox_maxeffects"            "0"
    "sbox_maxdynamite"        "0"
    "sbox_maxlamps"            "2"
    "sbox_maxthrusters"        "2"
    "sbox_maxwheels"            "4"
    "sbox_maxhoverballs"        "2"
    "sbox_maxvehicles"        "0"
    "sbox_maxbuttons"            "5"
    "sbox_maxsents"            "0"
    "sbox_maxemitters"        "1"
    "sbox_maxspawners"        "0"
    "sbox_maxturrets"            "0"
[Image: b_350x20_C002748-004880-FFFFFF-000000.png]
I just tried that and it did not work. It still can not execute server.cfg . Is there anything else wrong with it?
Here is the specific message:
Quote:exec: couldn't exec server.cfg

However a few lines up it says:
Quote:Executing dedicated server config file

And yes, I did make sure to remove the wire section this time.

Also, I checked and Steam see's my server, but Garry's Mod doesn't; Steam lists it in the LAN section. When I try to join it from there it starts up Gmod and goes to the loading screen for half a second then goes back to the main menu.
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
Be sure the server.cfg aren't named server.cfg.txt.

You will always see it in your LAN list.
I fixed the server config file. Thank you, it was server.cfg.txt However, I still can't connect. Garry's Mod doesn't see it. And it's still generating a ton of errors because it can't create some physics models, textures, and what not for the Counter Strike stuff. But it says when the server is starting up that cstrike loaded ok.
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
Did you connect to your server with LAN IP?
Ok, here comes the stupid question, how do I do that?
Also, I forwarded my ports (probly should have done it sooner) and my server is now seen by Garry's Mod. However, whenever I go to join, I see a quick flash of the loading screen and nothing happens. I tried this on flatgrass, so there were no errors when the server started up, but I still can't get this to work. I even removed three lines from the server config file that srcds said were not recognized.

What I also don't get is how I can't connect to my server, but it accepts my server password. *Sigh*
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
Add -clientport 27050 and -port 27017 and then try add agian.

(Add them to your startup line)
I added those to the startup line and nothing different happened. The console is actually looking at ports 27015 SV and 27005 CL. I had forwarded ports 27015, 27005, and 27020. No where did I see 27017 or 27050.

EDIT: I can see my server in the Garry's Mod list again (it had stopped working before), but I still can't connect. Its looking at the right ports. It says it's connected to the steam server. The console is not giving me any errors. Its just that when I click to join the server I just see the loading screen flash on, then off.
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
I think you should have a look here buddy:
I'm not running it on the computer I play on! They are two separate computers. My last computer is running the server. My actual desktop is sitting right next to it. Unless you're referring to buying a server, which I really don't want to do.

EDIT: I don't know if this means anything to anyone but I did find an error I missed before:
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Where is this even located in the Garry's Mod files?
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
Marcbmann Wrote:I'm not running it on the computer I play on! They are two separate computers. My last computer is running the server. My actual desktop is sitting right next to it. Unless you're referring to buying a server, which I really don't want to do.

EDIT: I don't know if this means anything to anyone but I did find an error I missed before:
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Where is this even located in the Garry's Mod files?

You don't need buying your own server.

"EDIT:" It's the direct version the server uses. How less, how bader quality. (not sure)

Can you try to connect with this:

connect lanip
I'm sorry, but how do I use that to connect? Do I put it in the startup line? Or on my computer to try to connect to the server?
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable
Ohh sorry.

Enter it in your client console while having the sever running.
No luck. I get an error saying
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Bad server address (lanip)
[Image: 1248401641.png]
FiOS Connection, not Highspeed Cable

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