07-09-2009, 02:27 PM
Ok, so after tons of issues, I figured out what I was doing wrong. My server started up (I think) but I couldn't see it in the server list. Which was no surprise since the server.cfg couldn't execute. What I don't understand is how it was giving me the server's FPS???? On top of that it generated a bunch of issues with the map. It couldn't load a bunch of materials, vphysics models, and physics objects. I think that has something to do wit not having all the needed content, but even still some of the CS:S stuff didn't load, so I don't know what to think. How do I post the log it generated?
Oh and here:
Server OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8GHz
Ram: 1gb
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command: c:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game "garrysmod" +map RP_Downtown_V2 -maxplayers 12
Admin Mods: ULX Mod; which did load correctly =)
I know, I know. I had an old PC lying around and wanted to see what it could do. I'm just running a DarkRP game which is almost nothing. I'm not trying to run a 12 person sandbox. I don't have a terrible internet connection, maybe it's nothing compared to some of you guys, but it's not bad.
If anyone is still reading up to this point, here is my server.cfg
I didn't change wire limits because I didn't install wire =). I had gotten this .cfg from the Garrysmod.com Wiki, so please let me know what I need to change.
Oh and here:
Server OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Processor: Pentium 4 1.8GHz
Ram: 1gb
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command: c:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game "garrysmod" +map RP_Downtown_V2 -maxplayers 12
Admin Mods: ULX Mod; which did load correctly =)
I know, I know. I had an old PC lying around and wanted to see what it could do. I'm just running a DarkRP game which is almost nothing. I'm not trying to run a 12 person sandbox. I don't have a terrible internet connection, maybe it's nothing compared to some of you guys, but it's not bad.
If anyone is still reading up to this point, here is my server.cfg
"hostname" "********"
"rcon_password" "********"
"sv_password" ""
"sv_region" "0" // eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
"sv_lan" "0"
// Sandbox server settings
"sbox_allownpcs" "0"
"sbox_godmode" "0"
"sbox_plpldamage" "0" // set this to 1 to disable player vs player damage.
"sbox_playergod" "0"
"sbox_noclip" "0"
// Sandbox limits
"sbox_maxprops" "4"
"sbox_maxragdolls" "0"
"sbox_maxnpcs" "0"
"sbox_maxballoons" "1"
"sbox_maxeffects" "0"
"sbox_maxdynamite" "0"
"sbox_maxlamps" "2"
"sbox_maxthrusters" "2"
"sbox_maxwheels" "4"
"sbox_maxhoverballs" "2"
"sbox_maxvehicles" "0"
"sbox_maxbuttons" "5"
"sbox_maxsents" "0"
"sbox_maxemitters" "1"
"sbox_maxspawners" "0"
"sbox_maxturrets" "0"
// Sandbox WIRE limits
// If you are not running wire addon, remove this entire section.
"sbox_maxwire_wheels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_waypoints" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_values" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_twoway_radioes" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_turret" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_thrusters" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_target_finders" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_speedometers" "14"
"sbox_maxwire_emitters" "25"
"sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_sensors" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_screens" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_relays" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_rangers" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_radioes" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_sockets" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_plugs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_pixels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_panels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_outputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_oscilloscopes" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_locators" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_lights" "16"
"sbox_maxwire_inputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_indicators" "21"
"sbox_maxwire_hoverballs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_gyroscopes" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_gpss" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_trigs" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_times" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_selections" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_memorys" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_logics" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_comparisons" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gates" "50"
"sbox_maxwire_explosive" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_dual_inputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_detonators" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_buttons" "25"
"sbox_maxwire_adv_inputs" "20"