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Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket
ok since the steam ticket error occurs only when 2 people get online on the same serial number:

when the server runs, do you play source? or do you join your server?

because you just cant be online with both client and server that use the same serial.

if this is the case i suggest downloading the standalone dedicated server with the hldsupdatetool
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ive tried DMZing it before if thats what you mean

i might try again soon though

yes, I have given it permission to act as a server and ive globally forwarded ports 27015, 1200 and 27020 both tcp and udp in ZA


wow really drocona?

i hadnt thought of that at all!

nah actually i did

no, i dont connect to my own server, and yes, i use the standalone server.

and also i can connect to my own server no probs, and i have mentioned all of this before, so i ask that you please take time to read the thread next time...

sorry if i come across angry or something but i had my hopes up that someone would answer :S

yea... drocona was wrong anyways.. i playd forever with a source server and playd on the same account.. untill i pieced together another computer and dled the stand alone.. but anyways..

Quote:ive globally forwarded ports 27015, 1200 and 27020 both tcp and udp in ZA
you have to do that on your router as well.... but like i said. i would try plugging the computer straight into the modem or whatever for internet.. soo take out the router, just to see if it will work then. cuz im thinking it has to be something with the router.
sorry i didnt find it in any post, i was short on time sorry

but i've had troubles with that forever until i got a second pc so i thought it might have helped Toungue
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dont worry drocona

yeah i have done that on my router skeletor, and i can't take out my router because it is a modem/router in one

the best i can do is DMZ it...
oo.. that sux.. uhh.. hmmm... i hate it that isp's are starting to do that!! i mean i guess its handy.. but usually there crappy routers, and your stuck with em.

other then that.. i guess make sure its dmzd, try killin the firewall.. i know you have said you did this before... but you could try again.. and double check and make sure u have the right ip from cuz really.. it SHOULD work with it dmz'd and no firewall.. im lost aside from that.

i think ill turn off DoS protection etc. aswell just incase

I had the same problem.. Until I found this:

1) +ip [local ip] when you start the server
2) forward 27006 - 27099 to your server box
Quote:If you wish to make a more general solution for your game where this will work if you have a desktop shortcut, you will need to add this switch to your userconfig.cfg file in the game directory (create a file with notepad if you don't have one there):

clientport 270xx
where xx is: 05, or 06, 07, 08, 09 or 10
4) forward the chosen port(s) to the correct ip address(es).
5) connect locally (to local ip adress, and it can be 192.168.1.x with no problems) from LAN computers

- Those steps fixed everything for me. Smile
I see that you forwarded all ports but i dont see that you forwarded port 27009 which is valse auth port? I could be wrong about what i read but you do need that port as well. They changed it from 27030 to 27009 for auth. If you already tried this please ignore me Smile.
yeah i have forwarded 27009, but UDP only.

im not too sure about krisse's reply because it sounds like it is only for lan users....

I had an interesting development the other day, when i start a LAN server it says the domain is internet, and people start joining. this also happens (with the errors) when i set sv_lan 1 - i think...
friends Wrote:yeah i have forwarded 27009, but UDP only.

im not too sure about krisse's reply because it sounds like it is only for lan users....

I had an interesting development the other day, when i start a LAN server it says the domain is internet, and people start joining. this also happens (with the errors) when i set sv_lan 1 - i think...

I created an account just to post this.---

I have looked all over the place to try to find a solution to this problem. I saw solutions to fix this problem with Steam clients but not for the server. After reading this board I thought of trying this.
I finally got the problem resolved and here is how I did it:

I deleted my ~/.steam/ClientRegistry.blob and then connected to steam again by typing ./steam -command update -game tf -dir ./ -remember_password -username (yourusername) -password (yourpassword)

Then I started my server with ./srcds_run -game tf -console -autoupdate +map ctf_2fort +maxplayers 16 +ip myipaddress -autoupdate

Checked it by connecting to it in game and sure enough it works. Can anyone who has this problem still, try that and please post back if it works.

But the invalid steam UserID tickets are coming from a lan client is it not? If it's coming from someone off the net, than it may be they are trying to use a steam account currently being used.
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fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
I know now :3
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