SRCDS Steam group

SRCDS Chat Meetup
assmunk Wrote:i would join who ever is on but my steam acount was stolen

Make a new one to chat?

Also, how was it stolen? I wouldn't have thought anyone here would fall for a phishing site?
Lol i told drocona about it he knows i do other stuff for the admins sometimes.... So Toungue don't worry this one is the actual official one the first one made and just because an admin doesn't make it doesn't mean its not official or up to par Toungue... any ways not very many people want it and drocona doesn't have access to changing anything on the website that's why he cant add it plus it would completely make the forums pointless because people will go on there instead of post in the forums... so thats why we have the steam group chat.. Toungue
FERMAN Wrote:plus it would completely make the forums pointless because people will go on there instead of post in the forums... so thats why we have the steam group chat.. Toungue

Well, not really. 90% of the noobs who come here typically would get as far as "wtf is an IRC?" and make a thread here. Maybe if we made a new forum section with only people with a certain number of posts or activity level can access?
skyride Wrote:
assmunk Wrote:i would join who ever is on but my steam acount was stolen

Make a new one to chat?

Also, how was it stolen? I wouldn't have thought anyone here would fall for a phishing site?

the site looked exactly like steam and also was called steampowerd just like the offical site.
[Image: 3386928252.png]
lol... i saw you on yesterday
yeah it happened about 5 min after i was chatting with you and helio
[Image: 3386928252.png]
lol that sucks Sad
#38 #srcds

I will grant the Moderators on the forums ServAuth, just message me if you go in Toungue
I prefer steam chat for now everyone already has steam
I like Steam Chat better too Toungue I also like more options.
The problem with IRC is that most people just idle in there, I personally hate it when you come in with a question and there are 50 people in the channel and you don't even get a bloody response for like 3 hours!

That's why I said I don't want an IRC channel for, in my opinion it's quite useless (for the reason above and some others) and the alert system is pretty crap, when someone types something in the STEAM group chatroom then it'll start blinking and make a sound, this doesn't work with mIRC for example.

Hence I never bothered to make an IRC channel Smile
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Drocona Wrote:The problem with IRC is that most people just idle in there

My friend asked me once for me to come idle, and I sat there for like 3 hours for nothing. He told me I was helping them get a sponsorship from some game server company, so I just left Toungue
Yeah, IRC is kind of pointless, all you do is idle the channel. Kind of stupid if you ask me.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
FERMAN Wrote:lol i knew it people would want an IRC chat... I made one for us... Toungue

I think just listening to the pro's discuss SRCDC would be a good learning expierience for us noobs. Just how would I do that. Your link takes us to a page with black box on screen and "Chat by What do I do next to listen in.
Many thanks
Ok, let's just make this clear:

Lets use the Steam group chat for our chat, since everyone here has Steam, and its already there. Let's forget about IRC for now, since it will probably be underused and abused anyways.

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