SRCDS Steam group

Giving back
I am currently interested in offering a Hlstats Community Edition Managed Hosting Service. I would like to offer free managed hosting for a set amount of users. I am doing this to get an idea of the resource management and availability it will require. I currently have 3 dualcores at 2 gigs 4 gigs burstable web servers. All my servers have been pre-paid till 2010 November which means either way you will get some free time. I will provide everything needed for Hlstatsx I will also install it for you if needed. You will only be responsible for the game plugin installation as well as adding servers via the admin panel on Hlstats CE. I can provide teamviewer demonstrations to teach you the 3 basic SSH commands to manage the stats engine as well as provide instant messenger 1on1 assistance. Thank you to anyone in advance for being apart of my Trial runs.

All accounts include
Everything a standard web-host offers I have EXCEPT FOR RUBY I have been slacking on that
Direct admin for your Control Panel
Zend Optimizer and Ioncube are set-up as well for WHMCS
Web-site hosting(meaning not just the hlstats pages) can be provided and depending on traffic I might just offer it free as well

On a side note you will not be asked to pay for atleast 3 months during the trial run. To be honest as long as you do not exceed 10 servers I will not expect payment at all.

sub-domain hosting automatically provided.

The name I have decided to use for Hlstats Division of Managed Hosting is Angrygaming Networks
I really wanna get heatmaps and GeoIP set-up so I will add the example sites momentarily should not take me long.

One of my signups
Database Error

Server Address: localhost
Server Username: angrygam_jess
Error Diagnostic:
Could not connect to database server. Check that the values of DB_ADDR, DB_USER and DB_PASS in config.php are set correctly.

Server Error: (2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

Last SQL Query:
(10-07-2009, 07:28 PM)Arjen Wrote:  ERROR
Database Error

Server Address: localhost
Server Username: angrygam_jess
Error Diagnostic:
Could not connect to database server. Check that the values of DB_ADDR, DB_USER and DB_PASS in config.php are set correctly.

Server Error: (2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

Last SQL Query:

I wonder if you managed to check it at the same exact time restarted it for geo-ip. I dunno ironic if so. Guess I'll stop playing with it for now!
I am also setting up my third box as a pure mirror this will make you have two logaddress_ip's but would mean god forbid if anyone suffered a real outtage
the third box which is in a different location/company/ with a swift A record change or a redirect bam you're right back up. Once the outtage resolves resync good to go. I do my first test late tonight in off hours. As to avoid any interference or what have you. I already offering two remote backups with seperate companies however each receive a backup every 3 days and on the 5th of every month,
have to paste this just out of pure early morning humor.

(5:41:27 AM) the night i use my two stats sites my ag one and uhh what's his name the guy I setup a month ago
(5:41:28 AM) as examples
(5:41:30 AM) Well I got the GeoIp module installed but i made some personal changes and need to restart
(5:41:32 AM) I freakin know as soon as I touch something someone is gonna call me out.
(5:41:40 AM) Alberto *******: lol
I am eastern time. now im scared to edit my stuff *chuckles* guess I'll do ag's country flags later! Off to the office!
*edited because I spell terribad without my morning coffee
It wont use much resources unless you have them all update at the same time and/or the frequency of them updating. If you have them all update lets say every 5 minutes or 20 minutes, it will use alot of resources. If you spread them all out and not so often it wont be that bad. Like lets say 5 minutes in between each other is good.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
(10-08-2009, 06:14 AM)dualcore1289 Wrote:  It wont use much resources unless you have them all update at the same time and/or the frequency of them updating. If you have them all update lets say every 5 minutes or 20 minutes, it will use alot of resources. If you spread them all out and not so often it wont be that bad. Like lets say 5 minutes in between each other is good.

okay I currently am doing a VDS available for hosting then one for mirroring them too in-case god forbid an outtage ever occurs. As customers build up I increase the mirrors etc. It just requires the user to put to logaddress records in but doesn't hurt the server in any way. So if I manage the chron jobs in a daisy effect pattern you are saying then that would work well on the system? So I could take like 10 sign-ups hookem up with free hosting do live feeding and then that would give me an idea of how painful that taxes the system.
Btw thanks for the feedback.
Yes, space them atleast 1 minute apart from updating. This will disburse the cpu usage, and help keep it down.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
(10-08-2009, 09:14 AM)dualcore1289 Wrote:  Yes, space them atleast 1 minute apart from updating. This will disburse the cpu usage, and help keep it down.
Makes sense was thinking about how I could keep the service reasonable I won't be able to offer the 0 setting which is 100% live but I mean for free I would think 1-2 minute gaps in update is reasonable. with around 260 slots of tracking my lil mini vps just for my bans/stats is a 384 min 1 gig burst and it waste no time in eatting up resources.

However I think these boxes get full I will be movine to full dedicated since it would be at that point silly to waste money like that.
Oh, keep each account from updating about 1-2 minutes apart, but overall hlstatsx updates, personally I would update every 2-4 hours. This way resource usage isnt too great.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
(10-08-2009, 09:31 AM)dualcore1289 Wrote:  Oh, keep each account from updating about 1-2 minutes apart, but overall hlstatsx updates, personally I would update every 2-4 hours. This way resource usage isnt too great.
yea I hear you rather impressive how much bandwidth/resources text can demand from a system. Plus take into account the standard inclusion of SuperLogs in 1.6.1 oy vey! However I think it will be worth doing, as it's almost silly to make someone buy a VPS just for stats/bans and lets be honest. Could you imagine your standard user going from a shared panel setup to a VPS (VDS).

What I am finding works for the user is just popping up teamviewer and running him through the standard SSH process and the 3 commands to manage the engine and the way to do chron jobs and the hl-awards. I've gotten some feed back so once they give me the approval to linkem I'll do so.

One of my sign-ups
I need about six more sign-ups, I dont even mind if you only have one server, I'll set everything up for you no private information etc nothing to risk! six more would put me at a good start for my first box. I've received 5 from the hlxce and this forums so far so thank you everyone so far.
I'll do all the installation and etc, you just need to have a gameserver that gets used, if you are a very big community like myself 15 gameservers or up to 20 hit me up. I have a new box i would like to put you on alone and do live persistant keeping to see the loads. This would be on a xeon dual core with 2048 ram 4086 burstable. Thank you again to all so far. I am finally creating an actual site for this section as well

I am also offering free SV download URL services, I provide 4 gigs storage 3000 bandwidth, I can also move you to VIP if necessary due to high volume. With one year deal I worked out with my dedi provider I can now be overly generous with my bandwidth. Currently everyone is set at 5mbps, I will be upgrading everyone to 10 over the next week. With my dedicated gameserver in chicago i was able to download at a solid 3.8 mb per sec and upload to it at 3.0 mb the 10mb upgrade will double this easily.
So with 1.6.1 you no longer have to deal with daisy chaining them all I just have to set them at dblowlevel 1 which inserts an automatic delay. The next thing I have done is for any servers greater then 5 I split into proxy's this alone cut down on my work load to where it looked like i was running standard web shared sites. To take it a step farther and reduce to a .4 workload i installed pear and then APC alternative php cache.

I've gotten 4 more signups but would still like some more!! I am also offering free hosting for
forums hosting

I have upgraded all servers from directadmin to cpanel (waves goodbye to 300 dollars).
So what are you waiting for take advantage of this awesome freeness!
Practicing stupidity in a more professional manner.
This seems like a Commercial thread to me. Not only is it in the wrong place, but you don't have enough posts to post it.
As long as there are no actual things to sell I'm fine with it, but only if this really IS for free!

Also, I don't consider CPanel and upgrade over directadmin personally.
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THANK YOU Finally someone that likes Direct admin damn thought I was only freaking person.

I am not selling any kind of services infact anyone that signs up through here is free permanently no strings the e-mail you receive states its free etc no angles no nothing. I've gotten 2 sv downloaders setup from this site as well as 1 stats. This whole project has been in the planning for 3 years. Its just because I wanted to keep everything free to the gamer audience I had to save enough money up personally to cover it all. I wanted to do one year since I see one to many guys offer free stuff and then die 2 months later. This way I know I can provide free hosting until this time next year. By then we will have talking robots that look like carmen electra and cars that fly.
Practicing stupidity in a more professional manner.
If you need anymore dedicated servers for cheap, I can host you in my Kansas City location fairly cheap.
PM me if you're interested.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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