SRCDS Steam group

Cant get on server from internet
Hey guys I hope this is an easy fix, but im planning on a running an old 1.4ghz box as a CSS server under linux, and I got everything setup ok and started the server and I can join it on my lanned PC, but I cant joinfrom the internet and no one else can. Its behind a router but its DMZ'd. I have a webserver on it and it runs fine, ppl can access it no problem. Any clue why no one can even see a CSS game? Thanks.
Are you sure you have all the needed ports open, and forwarded to the server? I have these ports forwarded, which works fine:

[UDP] 1200 (used for Steam's Friends service)
[UDP] 27000 to 27015 (so that means all ports in between too)
[TCP] 27030 to 27039 (idem)
=> these are all Steam related ports

[UDP] 27015 and 27020 (default DS port, also used for HLTV)
[TCP] 27015 (you want to forward this for RCON access)
=> these ports are used by the dedicated server itself
May the Source be with you...

Want to know which ports to forward on your router for a Source DS? Click here!
Are these ports just incoming or does the server need to initiate any of the ports?

You only have to forward them on your router, normally you shouldn't configure something anywhere else in this case (if that is what you mean...).
May the Source be with you...

Want to know which ports to forward on your router for a Source DS? Click here!
goofy666, that doesn't seem to be true. If you have outbound restrictions then the server won't be able to do autoupdates or connect to the master servers for that matter. I believe 27011 outbound is needed for master server connection, however, I don't know which port is used for update? FTP/HTTP-port perhaps?
Snittarn Wrote:goofy666, that doesn't seem to be true. If you have outbound restrictions then the server won't be able to do autoupdates or connect to the master servers for that matter.
You said it, "If you have outbound restrictions". That's something you can't do anything about, except changing ISP. There are a dozen other problems like that which can make your server unable to work as it is supposed to. If you have that kind of restrictions you shouldn't bother setting up an internet-server at all.
May the Source be with you...

Want to know which ports to forward on your router for a Source DS? Click here!
Actually, those outbound restrictions are set up by my very own firewall. I've configured it this way. Therefore I'd like to know exactly which ports SRCDS needs to use outbound for it to work properly. Opening the firewall completely on all outbound ports is unfortunately not an option since I am kind of paranoide Wink
I have same problem. My linux server worked sometimes. I reinstalled it for some reason and it doesn't work now. I can connect to it from LAN but not from internet. Nothing hasn't changed (only instal path of server). I'm hopeless.

ty for answers
Whats the exact command line you're trying to run.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
how do you forward ports through ssh i have been trying this to no aviel ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 22 -autoupdate

i am running fedora core 4

Console initialized.
Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 16
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Executing dedicated server config file
couldn't exec mani_server.cfg
"bot_prefix" = ""
game replicated
- This string is prefixed to the name of all bots that join the game.
Can't use cheat cvars in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Can't use cheat cvars in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Adding master server
Adding master server
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
!Stops here every time

have you got this fixed? I am seeing this too!

Ditto Can anyone shed some light on this please?
I know its kinda late to get into this server game..but here it goes anyways..

Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash

Console initialized.
Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 10
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Executing dedicated server config file
Summary: 323 resources total 14.52 Mb, 21.64 % of capacity
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs/L0222018.log
L 02/22/2006 - 19:04:20: Log file started (file "logs/L0222018.log") (game "/home/hlds/cstrike") (version "2596")
Adding master server
Adding master server
L 02/22/2006 - 19:04:20: World triggered "Round_Start"
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.

nothing fancy in my server.cfg...but mine stops at the same place every time...

Should the ip that i the one for my server or my router?

"L 02/22/2006 - 19:04:20: World triggered "Round_Start"" <<you dont have this...Im soooooo comfused...please help...thx

I believe you'll only get the "Round Start" message if you have logging turned on, which you do.

The IP should be that of the server's network card, not the router. You can not bind to an address that isn't on the machine.
but if my network assignes ip address..and those ip's are only for my can steam find my computer...

btw..i had it on the internet this morning..dont know how...but i do know that i didnt use "+ip"...

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