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How Veloci Servers Took Me For My Money (with pictures)
Sounds like a scam to me, i had a business partner who used to be like that telling people we had "departments" when we were a two man operation.... he went the way of the DODO.... thanks for the warning..... great service, great servers and .76 cents less than veloci..


Outlook/webmail does not recored outgoing mail from an iphone..... nice try
Just saying Paypal will unfortunately not refund your money because it is not a tangible item. You could definitely go to your credit card or bank account though. I do also have many opinions about this issue however I'd rather keep them to myself at this point Smile. The only one I want to share is that he REALLY should get a refund.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
I think he shouldn't get a refund, how ever a reduction back to his old price. Like i said changing prices on a current customer is stupid.
Judging by the type of service he received, he deserves a refund. Once again, only my opinion.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
true, i am not total sure i-on the service he received, Wait, he shouldn't get a refund at all, he hasn't paid the new bill, so that amount should just be forgiven.

Because a refund after a month of using the server is stupid, that would be horrible to refund that. I can see how ever not charging the bill currently.
Who said I send all my messages via my phone, for the long and automated emails like the one in question I use Outlook 2007

youngblood Wrote:ps

Outlook/webmail does not recored outgoing mail from an iphone..... nice try
Veloci Servers
¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸ ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨
¨°º¤ø„¸ Hardstyle ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ Q Dance ``°º¤øFrom Ireland
ComputerHelper Wrote:Money will not be refunded as of out 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are sorry that you feel dissatisfied about our raising in prices, but you were notified of the price changes (Outlook confirms this).

Would you mind confirming this to me as well? A picture with the time stamp and confirmation of it being sent will suffice.

ComputerHelper Wrote:I do regret you way of action, if I was consulted about this prior to my return to the land of the internet (via email, yes I get them pushed to my phone).

If statements usually have then parts which in turn would complete a thought. What are you trying to convey with this statement? Its difficult to read your posts. It really is like pulling teeth.
Well why not just close/remove this whole thread? Since it is bashing other companies along with veloci.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
Well abovegod has a good point, but it should be kept under raps as this could be their first and only time having an issue (with a customer that is). Every company has their ups and downs.

I think the posts that don't matter should be removed.
[Image: 3386928252.png]
Besides the point, EVERY company has atleast one bad review, does that make them a bad company? Of course not, you live and you learn by your mistakes. I say an admin should remove this thread, as it already made its point, and is getting off topic and offending other companies.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
Be sure to check with other people, especially in these forums about a company before purchasing a server. I am in the process of making a website about Game Server Provider reviews, but don't yet have a domain to host it.
Actually, you'd be surprised. If the "victim" send a charge back via their credit card company, almost always will it be returned. With PayPal (direct complaint) there is somewhat of a chance. Unfortunately, offering only credit card service is somewhat a hardship as it can reduce your sales. Just my two cents.
wow this thread is gone and there is good site for reviews
Just a shame to see these types of things happen. Welcome to the big bad world of business.
Daxter Fellowes LLC.
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