SRCDS Steam group

Safely Learn LINUX...
With Linux being an incredibly popular choice for web hosting and game servers, many hop on the bandwagon without sufficient knowledge or learn along the way while affecting their business by making newcomer mistakes. Many are learning on their live systems, which can result in downtime and or performance issues for customers.

What I'm offering is the opportunity for those who wants to learn or have a test system before they implement something on their live boxes. While you could certainly rent a very cheap dedicated server for say $50 per month, if something happens to go wrong, you'll be paying at least $20 for a fresh installation. I have been providing comparable services to the web hosting industry for quite sometime, with very positive feedback.

I operate a dedicated server in Chicago, which I happen to run a VMWARE ESX server off of. I have several virtual machines for resale at a very affordable price. Here's what's included.

- Your distribution Choice (Any Linux/BSD distro)
- 1 GHZ of processing capabilities.
- 256 MB dedicated memory.
- 10 GB of disk space.
- 50GB of dedicated bandwidth (premium)
- FREE Operating System re-installs.
- FREE Technical support and general systems advice.

What can you do with this? You get a Linux system you can do ALL of your testing with, practice on it, learn on it, break it and if you do break it? We will simply reload the operating system within 24 hours and you can go back at it. Also included is free technical support, I will be an available to answer your questions within 24 hours, whether it's a Linux or game server specific question, I have broad knowledge of many topics.

Obviously some restrictions apply, you can't abuse this, no spamming, no illegal downloads, no warez FTP's and the usual. As such you can run a game server if you like, or a web server, or anything you desire. However due to it being a virtual machine, there are no performance guarantee's or warranties of that nature.

Spots are incredibly limited, I have roughly 3 remaining.

Cost? $20 per month, $5 initial setup fee.

Interested? Admin at vigeek dot net
Game Server Administration Services
Linux & Windows performance specialist.
Is this ESXi or the expensive $1500< ESX?

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