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Srcds question's server.cfg
where shall i put the server.cfg? and how do i get more Fun player mangement and more player mangement,, i only have drug and some stuff on fun, and only ban and stuff on player mangement.. and more vote and rcon commands Help please
You should look into an Admin plugin, such as Eventscripts, Sourcemod, or Mani Admin Plugin. Google those and have fun. Remember, the best place for support for those is the sites you get them from.

Server.cfg goes in the cstrike directory, I'm presuming that you're talking about a Counter-Strike server of some description?
eclipse Wrote:You should look into an Admin plugin, such as Eventscripts, Sourcemod, or Mani Admin Plugin. Google those and have fun. Remember, the best place for support for those is the sites you get them from.

Server.cfg goes in the cstrike directory, I'm presuming that you're talking about a Counter-Strike server of some description?

yes its a srcds css server, my last one got fucked.. ;P beacouse i didnt have a server.cfg so i made one but didnt know where to put it
in the cfg folder
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
ive putted in cfg_mani_admin_plugin a clients.txt

version 1

Generated Using

Session ID d092aef8be3b4c1a2afb21a55c4c7ee5

name Terje
steam STEAM_0117783801
Admin HovedAdmin
name Andre
steam STEAM_0013611692
Admin PS-Medlemmer
name Steffen
steam STEAM_0118243108
Admin PS-Medlemmer
HovedAdmin m k b g y I spray l i f d j t F G N T U W Y c B D v V C A R Q w p q q2 q3 L r z J s o a x E H O e P Z X K S M admin client pban grav
PS-Medlemmer k g I spray l d t Y B D v V C Q s o a x E H O e Z K admin

is it right?? need help didnt work -.- do i have to rcon_load clients or something
Look at the tutorial I wrote on mani admin plugin i the tutorials section.
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