SRCDS Steam group

Weird problem
i don't wanna start a fight here with you at all,
but what do you mean?
by not being "perfect" do you mean it just doesn't have the feeling of a real server?
or are you talking about low fps or bad performance?
for your information i've been and i am still getting over 180fps when playing CSS.
and i've ALWAYS played on my own server from the same machine.
I'm talking about performance all together,

easy explanation is that a game takes away "power" from all other processes running on the computer, including the server that might be running, which will result in the server not getting enough "attention" (even when you set the process priority to high). It can get low FPS on the server, not enough CPU, sloppyness, choke, sometimes even loss, tickrate drops, ping spikes, pretty much anything that makes the server lag can happen.
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