I have been trying to figure this out since I first started running CS:S on this server about 3 weeks ago. I have gotten my server to where it "only" crashes about 10 times a day. I am running Gungame with all the newest: Eventscripts/ESTools, Mani Admin as a Metamod Plugin, and StatsmeMinimum Source as standalone.
Whether running with no mods at all, or all of the mods above, the server constantly crashes. Under some configurations it crashes every time I load it (Mani as Standalone or Statsme as a Metamod plugin).
I am using linux_base-fc4 and have installed everything according to the guide at the top of this forum. If someone could take a look at my crash output I would appreciate it:
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Checking/Installing 'Counter-Strike Source Shared Content' version 68
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8
Checking/Installing 'Source Dedicated Server Linux' version 90
HLDS installation up to date
Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
[StatsmeMinimum_s] Plugin created hook on command "say"
[StatsmeMinimum_s] Plugin created hook on command "say_team"
[EventScripts] Initial Loading of Mattie's EventScripts plugin...
[EventScripts] Automatically loading es_corelib.txt...
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib
[EventScripts] Done loading corelib.
[EventScripts] Mattie's EventScripts plugin loaded.
Loading ES_Tools, AKA NeoWuH. © 2006.
Contact The_WuH, thewuh@gmail.com - ThewAc.NET : Version 0.418
ES_TOOLS : Using ServerGameDLL006
ES_TOOLS : Server Dir = "/usr/home/hlds/cstrike", Game = "cstrike" Game Index = 1
ES_TOOLS : Reading Info for cstrike, taking stored data from field cstrike
ES_TOOLS : Loaded the config file successfuly from /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addons /est/est_info.dat
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_MOTD_F
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_OpenFile_r
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_OpenFile_w
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_FileExists
ES_TOOLS : Loaded system protection information from /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addo ns/est/est_security.cfg
ES_TOOLS : Got all Filter Index's, SayText-4, TextMsg-5, Shake-11, Fade-12, VGUI Menu-13, ShowMenu-10, HintText-22
ES_TOOLS : Loading events stored in addons/est/es_tools.res
ES_TOOLS : Initializing Player Table
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::Teleport, address: 0x2995ec50
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Player::RoundRespawn, address: 0x29d59880
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::Remove, address: 0x2994d2b0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Player::SwitchTeam, address: 0x29d55700
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Game::TermRound, address: 0x29cbb270
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CreateNamedEntity(const char *, int), address: 0x29a3bf60
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::ChangeName(const char *), address : 0x29d4a3e0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ITempEntsSystem, address: 0x29f2b408
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle, address: 0x29ca2f c0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CCSGameRules::GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon, ad dress: 0x29cb8810
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: g_pGameRules, address: 0x2a01c244
ES_TOOLS : Getting External Interfaces...
ES_TOOLS : Got Temporary Entities @ 0x2a012a18
ES_TOOLS : Got Game Rules @ 0x0
Done Initializing ES_Tools, Hooking Functions...
Hooking IGameEventManager2->FireEvent Class @ 0x2f1342c8 func @ 0x21
ES_TOOLS : hooked command changelevel @ 0x8193f90
Done Loading ES_Tools, Enjoy!
maxplayers set to 32
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/testlib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/interfaces
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/services
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/linkedlist
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/foreach
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/corelib/foreach/es__foreach_weaponlist_cstrike_db.tx t
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/repeat
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/average
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/score
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/xalias
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/textlib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/playergetset
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keyfilter
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/uniqueid
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/getbotname
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/damage
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/playervar
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/timelib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/sqlitelib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/statlog
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keygroupsort
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keygroupsort_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keygrouprand
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keygrouprand_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/exp
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/isnumerical
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/quickcmd
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/escinject
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/getplayercount
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/queue
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/vecmath
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/usermsglib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/inrange
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/entitylib
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/corelib/interfaces/AuthorizationService/es_Authoriza tionService_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/clientcmd
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4
[GunGame] Loading...
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as gg_live.
es_sql open: /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/gungame4/db/es_gg_databa se.sqldb database opened as gg_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_popup_lite
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as gg_popup_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded crontab
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
[Crontab] - That job name already exists. Add overwrite permission to overwrite this job.
[Crontab] - Type 'crontab' with no arguments to get the current joblist and synt ax.
[Crontab] - See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crontab for more help and complete list of options
[EventScripts] Loaded syphon
[EventScripts] Loaded examples/auth/basic_auth
[EventScripts] Loaded quake_sounds
[EventScripts] Loaded popup
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/popup/es__popup_lang_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/popup/es__popup_games_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded popup/popuphelp
[EventScripts] Loaded keymenu
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keymenu_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded setting
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__listtest_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: listtest
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__toggletest_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: toggletest
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: quakesounds
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded quake_sounds/events_handler
Unknown command "addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt"
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
[QuakeSounds] Loaded
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n/kp_settings
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/knifep3n/kp_settings/es_knifep3n_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n/kp_helper
Could not add strings: sound/ql/blip1.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/chicken.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/rocky1.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/rumble.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/fortuna_long.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/MortalCombatTheme.mp3 to table downloadable s
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/such_a_pity.mp3 to table downloadables
[KnifeP3N] 4.6.0a loaded!
maxplayers set to 20
[GunGame] Config file executed.
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/weapon_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/rules_menu
[GunGame PopUp]: Unable to add a line the popup 'gg_rules' - The popup does not exist!
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/commands_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/top_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_sounds
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/bestonsteam.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/knife_level.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/nade_level.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_powerup.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_powerdown.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_1-up.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb_star.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/gg_handicap.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/pot.mp3 to table downloadables
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_handicap
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/welcome_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_triple_level
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_turbo_mode
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_knife_pro
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_nade_bonus
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_noblock
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_stats
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_voting
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_sb_manager
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_knife_plus
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_awp_bullet
Saved: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
Unloading gungame4/menus/weapon_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/weapon_menu
Unloading gungame4/menus/rules_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/rules_menu
Unloading gungame4/menus/commands_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/commands_menu
Saved: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Using conprintf
Loading Mani Admin Plugin 2007 V1.2BetaS SMM, http://www.mani-admin-plugin.com
Interface IPlayerInfoManager @ 0x2a0040a8
Interface IVEngineServer @ 0x28fb6c60
Interface IGameEventManager2 @ 0x28f86c20
Interface IFileSystem @ 0x282fdda0
Interface IServerPluginHelpers @ 0x28fb35e0
Interface INetworkStringTableContainer @ 0x28f90e40
Interface IEngineTrace @ 0x28f86ad8
Interface IUniformRandomStream @ 0x28f97c40
Interface IServerGameEnts @ 0x29ff3454
Interface IEffects @ 0x29fdc130
Interface IEngineSound @ 0x28fba5d8
Interface ICvar @ 0x28f83ec0
Interface IServerGameDLL @ 0x29ff32c4
Interface IVoiceServer @ 0x28fb832c
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/server_i486.so
Program Start at [0x80da310]
var_address = 0x29f2b408
Game Type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Message name Geiger index 0
Message name Train index 1
Message name HudText index 2
Message name SayText index 3
Message name SayText2 index 4
Message name TextMsg index 5
Message name HudMsg index 6
Message name ResetHUD index 7
Message name GameTitle index 8
Message name ItemPickup index 9
Message name ShowMenu index 10
Message name Shake index 11
Message name Fade index 12
Message name VGUIMenu index 13
Message name CloseCaption index 14
Message name SendAudio index 15
Message name RawAudio index 16
Message name VoiceMask index 17
Message name RequestState index 18
Message name BarTime index 19
Message name Damage index 20
Message name RadioText index 21
Message name HintText index 22
Sigscan info
A [0x29d59880]
B [0x29b8abd0]
C [0x29fde880]
D1 [0x2a01c244]
E [0x299b46b0]
F [0x29d55700]
G [0x29d4e750]
H [0x29ca2fc0]
I [0x29cca6f0]
J [0x29bebfb0]
K [0x29cb8810]
Time for read = [0.000095]
Time for read = [0.000073]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
[EventScripts] Map Loading Mattie's EventScripts plugin...
[EventScripts] Loaded successfully.
ES_TOOLS : Starting delayed loading sequence.
ES_TOOLS : hooked command est_ShowMenu @ 0x87c6e60
ES_TOOLS : hooked command es_menu @ 0x87c6ea0
ES_TOOLS : hooked command ma_msay @ 0x87c6ee0
ES_TOOLS : Hooking all FCVAR_CHEAT flagged commands on the server.
ES_TOOLS : Finsihed the delayed loading block.
EST loaded weapon mods successfuly
************* Mani Admin Plugin Level Init *************
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/server_i486.so
Error: Material "sprites/tp_beam001" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Time for read = [0.000087]
Time for read = [0.000070]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Stats Loaded in 0.0022 seconds
Steam ID Player Settings memory usage 0.112633MB with 399 records
Name Player Settings memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Player Lists Loaded in 0.0115 seconds
Mani Admin Plugin Level Init Time = 0.100 seconds
Unknown command "addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt"
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_unl_grenade
Unloading gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade...
Script removed: gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade
"STEAM_ID_LAN" is now an admin.
Executing dedicated server config file
Incorrect price blob version! Update your server!
ERROR: mp_dynamicpricing set to 1 but couldn't download the price list!
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
ES_TOOLS : Starting second delayed loading sequence.
ES_TOOLS : Getting External Interfaces...
ES_TOOLS : Got Game Rules @ 0x8591520
ES_TOOLS : Finsihed the second delayed loading block.
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
Activated Here
Max Players = 53
Index 0 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty15GetEntityHandleEv
Index 1 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty14GetServerClassEv
Index 2 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty9GetEFlagsEv
Index 3 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9AddEFlagsEi
Index 4 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty8GetEdictEv
Index 5 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty12GetClassNameEv
Index 6 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty7ReleaseEv
Index 7 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty7AreaNumEv
Index 8 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty18GetBaseNetworkableEv
Index 9 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13GetBaseEntityEv
Index 10 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty10GetPVSInfoEv
Index 11 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD1Ev
Index 12 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD0Ev
Index 13 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13_GetClassNameEv
Index 14 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9FireEventEv
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [0] Name [Unassigned]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [1] Name [Spectator]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [2] Name [TERRORIST]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [3] Name [CT]
Found [4] team manager entities
Got edicts
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
cat: hlds.74612.pid: No such file or directory
warning: A handler for the OS ABI "GNU/Linux" is not built into this configurati on
of GDB. Attempting to continue with the default i386 settings.
email debug.log to linux@valvesoftware.com
Thu Mar 6 21:36:01 PST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
Thu Mar 6 21:36:02 PST 2008: Server Quit
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
The above crash is typical
Here is some output from my debug.log:
#324 0x0804ab46 in __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::__do_dyncast (this=0xbfbfba50, src2dst=160857848, access_path=703382640, dst_type=0x0,
obj_ptr=0x80d90f0, src_type=0x9967ef8, src_ptr=0x29fde880, result=@0x9967ef8) at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/tinfo.cc:456
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 19:35:03 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 20:53:46 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 21:34:50 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
No symbol table info available.
No shared libraries loaded at this time.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbfbfb9f8:
eip = 0x281f83f4; saved eip 0xbfbfbb10
called by frame at 0xbfbfb9fc
Arglist at 0xbfbfb9f0, args:
Locals at 0xbfbfb9f0, Previous frame's sp is 0xbfbfb9f8
Saved registers:
eip at 0xbfbfb9f4
End of Source crash report
No symbol table info available.
No shared libraries loaded at this time.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbfbfb9f8:
eip = 0x281f83f4; saved eip 0xbfbfbb10
called by frame at 0xbfbfb9fc
Arglist at 0xbfbfb9f0, args:
Locals at 0xbfbfb9f0, Previous frame's sp is 0xbfbfb9f8
Saved registers:
eip at 0xbfbfb9f4
End of Source crash report
Any missing lines are just hex output.
I'm thinking I would have more information to go off of if I had a compatible GDB, but I'm not sure where to start with that.
Once again, thank you in advance for anyone who tries to help.
Very frustrating!
I have been trying to figure this out since I first started running CS:S on this server about 3 weeks ago. I have gotten my server to where it "only" crashes about 10 times a day. I am running Gungame with all the newest: Eventscripts/ESTools, Mani Admin as a Metamod Plugin, and StatsmeMinimum Source as standalone.
Whether running with no mods at all, or all of the mods above, the server constantly crashes. Under some configurations it crashes every time I load it (Mani as Standalone or Statsme as a Metamod plugin).
I am using linux_base-fc4 and have installed everything according to the guide at the top of this forum. If someone could take a look at my crash output I would appreciate it:
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Checking/Installing 'Counter-Strike Source Shared Content' version 68
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8
Checking/Installing 'Source Dedicated Server Linux' version 90
HLDS installation up to date
Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
[StatsmeMinimum_s] Plugin created hook on command "say"
[StatsmeMinimum_s] Plugin created hook on command "say_team"
[EventScripts] Initial Loading of Mattie's EventScripts plugin...
[EventScripts] Automatically loading es_corelib.txt...
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib
[EventScripts] Done loading corelib.
[EventScripts] Mattie's EventScripts plugin loaded.
Loading ES_Tools, AKA NeoWuH. © 2006.
Contact The_WuH, thewuh@gmail.com - ThewAc.NET : Version 0.418
ES_TOOLS : Using ServerGameDLL006
ES_TOOLS : Server Dir = "/usr/home/hlds/cstrike", Game = "cstrike" Game Index = 1
ES_TOOLS : Reading Info for cstrike, taking stored data from field cstrike
ES_TOOLS : Loaded the config file successfuly from /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addons /est/est_info.dat
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_MOTD_F
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_OpenFile_r
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_OpenFile_w
ES_TOOLS : Reading Security key est_FileExists
ES_TOOLS : Loaded system protection information from /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addo ns/est/est_security.cfg
ES_TOOLS : Got all Filter Index's, SayText-4, TextMsg-5, Shake-11, Fade-12, VGUI Menu-13, ShowMenu-10, HintText-22
ES_TOOLS : Loading events stored in addons/est/es_tools.res
ES_TOOLS : Initializing Player Table
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::Teleport, address: 0x2995ec50
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Player::RoundRespawn, address: 0x29d59880
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::Remove, address: 0x2994d2b0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Player::SwitchTeam, address: 0x29d55700
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ???Game::TermRound, address: 0x29cbb270
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CreateNamedEntity(const char *, int), address: 0x29a3bf60
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CBaseEntity::ChangeName(const char *), address : 0x29d4a3e0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: ITempEntsSystem, address: 0x29f2b408
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle, address: 0x29ca2f c0
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: CCSGameRules::GetBlackMarketPriceForWeapon, ad dress: 0x29cb8810
ES_TOOLS : Found symbol function: g_pGameRules, address: 0x2a01c244
ES_TOOLS : Getting External Interfaces...
ES_TOOLS : Got Temporary Entities @ 0x2a012a18
ES_TOOLS : Got Game Rules @ 0x0
Done Initializing ES_Tools, Hooking Functions...
Hooking IGameEventManager2->FireEvent Class @ 0x2f1342c8 func @ 0x21
ES_TOOLS : hooked command changelevel @ 0x8193f90
Done Loading ES_Tools, Enjoy!
maxplayers set to 32
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/testlib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/interfaces
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/services
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/linkedlist
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/foreach
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/corelib/foreach/es__foreach_weaponlist_cstrike_db.tx t
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/repeat
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/average
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/score
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/xalias
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/textlib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/playergetset
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keyfilter
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/uniqueid
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/getbotname
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/damage
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/playervar
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/timelib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/sqlitelib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/statlog
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keygroupsort
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keygroupsort_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/keygrouprand
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keygrouprand_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/exp
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/isnumerical
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/quickcmd
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/escinject
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/getplayercount
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/queue
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/vecmath
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/usermsglib
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/inrange
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/entitylib
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/corelib/interfaces/AuthorizationService/es_Authoriza tionService_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded corelib/clientcmd
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4
[GunGame] Loading...
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as gg_live.
es_sql open: /usr/home/hlds/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/gungame4/db/es_gg_databa se.sqldb database opened as gg_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_popup_lite
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as gg_popup_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded crontab
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
[Crontab] - That job name already exists. Add overwrite permission to overwrite this job.
[Crontab] - Type 'crontab' with no arguments to get the current joblist and synt ax.
[Crontab] - See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crontab for more help and complete list of options
[EventScripts] Loaded syphon
[EventScripts] Loaded examples/auth/basic_auth
[EventScripts] Loaded quake_sounds
[EventScripts] Loaded popup
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/popup/es__popup_lang_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/popup/es__popup_games_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded popup/popuphelp
[EventScripts] Loaded keymenu
es_sql open: :memory: database opened as _keymenu_database.
[EventScripts] Loaded setting
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__listtest_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: listtest
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__toggletest_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: toggletest
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
[Setting] Loaded: quakesounds
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded quake_sounds/events_handler
Unknown command "addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt"
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting__quakesounds_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_instance_db.txt
[QuakeSounds] Loaded
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n/kp_settings
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/knifep3n/kp_settings/es_knifep3n_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded knifep3n/kp_helper
Could not add strings: sound/ql/blip1.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/chicken.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/rocky1.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/ql/rumble.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/fortuna_long.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/MortalCombatTheme.mp3 to table downloadable s
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/such_a_pity.mp3 to table downloadables
[KnifeP3N] 4.6.0a loaded!
maxplayers set to 20
[GunGame] Config file executed.
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/weapon_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/rules_menu
[GunGame PopUp]: Unable to add a line the popup 'gg_rules' - The popup does not exist!
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/commands_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/top_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_sounds
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/bestonsteam.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/knife_level.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/nade_level.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_powerup.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_powerdown.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb3_1-up.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/smb_star.mp3 to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/gg_handicap.wav to table downloadables
Could not add strings: sound/gungame/pot.mp3 to table downloadables
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_handicap
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/menus/welcome_menu
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_triple_level
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_turbo_mode
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_knife_pro
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_nade_bonus
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_noblock
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_stats
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_voting
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_sb_manager
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_knife_plus
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/custom/gg_awp_bullet
Saved: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
Unloading gungame4/menus/weapon_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/weapon_menu
Unloading gungame4/menus/rules_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/rules_menu
Unloading gungame4/menus/commands_menu...
Script removed: gungame4/menus/commands_menu
Saved: addons/eventscripts/crontab/es_crontab_db.txt
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Using conprintf
Loading Mani Admin Plugin 2007 V1.2BetaS SMM, http://www.mani-admin-plugin.com
Interface IPlayerInfoManager @ 0x2a0040a8
Interface IVEngineServer @ 0x28fb6c60
Interface IGameEventManager2 @ 0x28f86c20
Interface IFileSystem @ 0x282fdda0
Interface IServerPluginHelpers @ 0x28fb35e0
Interface INetworkStringTableContainer @ 0x28f90e40
Interface IEngineTrace @ 0x28f86ad8
Interface IUniformRandomStream @ 0x28f97c40
Interface IServerGameEnts @ 0x29ff3454
Interface IEffects @ 0x29fdc130
Interface IEngineSound @ 0x28fba5d8
Interface ICvar @ 0x28f83ec0
Interface IServerGameDLL @ 0x29ff32c4
Interface IVoiceServer @ 0x28fb832c
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/server_i486.so
Program Start at [0x80da310]
var_address = 0x29f2b408
Game Type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Message name Geiger index 0
Message name Train index 1
Message name HudText index 2
Message name SayText index 3
Message name SayText2 index 4
Message name TextMsg index 5
Message name HudMsg index 6
Message name ResetHUD index 7
Message name GameTitle index 8
Message name ItemPickup index 9
Message name ShowMenu index 10
Message name Shake index 11
Message name Fade index 12
Message name VGUIMenu index 13
Message name CloseCaption index 14
Message name SendAudio index 15
Message name RawAudio index 16
Message name VoiceMask index 17
Message name RequestState index 18
Message name BarTime index 19
Message name Damage index 20
Message name RadioText index 21
Message name HintText index 22
Sigscan info
A [0x29d59880]
B [0x29b8abd0]
C [0x29fde880]
D1 [0x2a01c244]
E [0x299b46b0]
F [0x29d55700]
G [0x29d4e750]
H [0x29ca2fc0]
I [0x29cca6f0]
J [0x29bebfb0]
K [0x29cb8810]
Time for read = [0.000095]
Time for read = [0.000073]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
[EventScripts] Map Loading Mattie's EventScripts plugin...
[EventScripts] Loaded successfully.
ES_TOOLS : Starting delayed loading sequence.
ES_TOOLS : hooked command est_ShowMenu @ 0x87c6e60
ES_TOOLS : hooked command es_menu @ 0x87c6ea0
ES_TOOLS : hooked command ma_msay @ 0x87c6ee0
ES_TOOLS : Hooking all FCVAR_CHEAT flagged commands on the server.
ES_TOOLS : Finsihed the delayed loading block.
EST loaded weapon mods successfuly
************* Mani Admin Plugin Level Init *************
Searching for game type [Counter-Strike: Source]
Found gametypes for Counter-Strike: Source
Linux binary @ ./cstrike/bin/server_i486.so
Error: Material "sprites/tp_beam001" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Attempting to load [./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/language/language.cfg]
Language to be used [english]
Time for read = [0.000087]
Time for read = [0.000070]
Steam ID Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Name Player Stats memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Stats Loaded in 0.0022 seconds
Steam ID Player Settings memory usage 0.112633MB with 399 records
Name Player Settings memory usage 0.000000MB with 0 records
Player Lists Loaded in 0.0115 seconds
Mani Admin Plugin Level Init Time = 0.100 seconds
Unknown command "addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt"
Saved: addons/eventscripts/setting/es__setting_storage_db.txt
Loaded: addons/eventscripts/quake_sounds/es_quake_sounds_db.txt
[EventScripts] Loaded gungame4/addons/gg_unl_grenade
Unloading gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade...
Script removed: gungame4/addons/gg_earn_nade
"STEAM_ID_LAN" is now an admin.
Executing dedicated server config file
Incorrect price blob version! Update your server!
ERROR: mp_dynamicpricing set to 1 but couldn't download the price list!
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
ES_TOOLS : Starting second delayed loading sequence.
ES_TOOLS : Getting External Interfaces...
ES_TOOLS : Got Game Rules @ 0x8591520
ES_TOOLS : Finsihed the second delayed loading block.
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
Activated Here
Max Players = 53
Index 0 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty15GetEntityHandleEv
Index 1 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty14GetServerClassEv
Index 2 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty9GetEFlagsEv
Index 3 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9AddEFlagsEi
Index 4 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty8GetEdictEv
Index 5 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty12GetClassNameEv
Index 6 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty7ReleaseEv
Index 7 Function Name _ZNK22CServerNetworkProperty7AreaNumEv
Index 8 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty18GetBaseNetworkableEv
Index 9 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13GetBaseEntityEv
Index 10 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty10GetPVSInfoEv
Index 11 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD1Ev
Index 12 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkPropertyD0Ev
Index 13 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty13_GetClassNameEv
Index 14 Function Name _ZN22CServerNetworkProperty9FireEventEv
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [0] Name [Unassigned]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [1] Name [Spectator]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [2] Name [TERRORIST]
Possible team classname [cs_team_manager]
Team index [3] Name [CT]
Found [4] team manager entities
Got edicts
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
cat: hlds.74612.pid: No such file or directory
warning: A handler for the OS ABI "GNU/Linux" is not built into this configurati on
of GDB. Attempting to continue with the default i386 settings.
email debug.log to linux@valvesoftware.com
Thu Mar 6 21:36:01 PST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
Thu Mar 6 21:36:02 PST 2008: Server Quit
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
The above crash is typical
Here is some output from my debug.log:
#324 0x0804ab46 in __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::__do_dyncast (this=0xbfbfba50, src2dst=160857848, access_path=703382640, dst_type=0x0,
obj_ptr=0x80d90f0, src_type=0x9967ef8, src_ptr=0x29fde880, result=@0x9967ef8) at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/tinfo.cc:456
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 19:35:03 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 20:53:46 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Thu Mar 6 21:34:50 PST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i686 -game cstrike -ip -port 27015 +map gg_mini_house +maxplayers 20 -autoupdate -tickrate 100 -debug
Core was generated by `srcds_i686'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
#0 0x2f3a9999 in ?? ()
End of Source crash report
No symbol table info available.
No shared libraries loaded at this time.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbfbfb9f8:
eip = 0x281f83f4; saved eip 0xbfbfbb10
called by frame at 0xbfbfb9fc
Arglist at 0xbfbfb9f0, args:
Locals at 0xbfbfb9f0, Previous frame's sp is 0xbfbfb9f8
Saved registers:
eip at 0xbfbfb9f4
End of Source crash report
No symbol table info available.
No shared libraries loaded at this time.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbfbfb9f8:
eip = 0x281f83f4; saved eip 0xbfbfbb10
called by frame at 0xbfbfb9fc
Arglist at 0xbfbfb9f0, args:
Locals at 0xbfbfb9f0, Previous frame's sp is 0xbfbfb9f8
Saved registers:
eip at 0xbfbfb9f4
End of Source crash report
Any missing lines are just hex output.
I'm thinking I would have more information to go off of if I had a compatible GDB, but I'm not sure where to start with that.
Once again, thank you in advance for anyone who tries to help.
Very frustrating!
![Sad Sad](https://forums.srcds.com/images/smilies/sad.gif)