09-27-2007, 02:54 AM
Hello, I have a hosted TF2 server and would like to ask a question to the guys who know alot about rates.
This is not a "my server lags and I want to know what rates to set" post, my server runs fine with the same rates as my DODs server. This is more to satisfy curiosity and learn more about Rates and server.cfg.
What is the rationale to setting your maxrate at 25000 as opposed to 20000/minrate 10000?
For a 66 tick server, why do some servers set sv_maxupdaterate and cmdrate "60" and the next one you see will be 66 or 67? What is the main reason for setting minimums to say "10" or whatever?
I have seen a few post on different forums about what the client settings should be for 66 and 100 tick servers, but I haven't found anything on rate settings for server.cfg. I probably havent looked hard enough, and if there are any posts you know of that answer this query please post a link.
This is not a "my server lags and I want to know what rates to set" post, my server runs fine with the same rates as my DODs server. This is more to satisfy curiosity and learn more about Rates and server.cfg.
What is the rationale to setting your maxrate at 25000 as opposed to 20000/minrate 10000?
For a 66 tick server, why do some servers set sv_maxupdaterate and cmdrate "60" and the next one you see will be 66 or 67? What is the main reason for setting minimums to say "10" or whatever?
I have seen a few post on different forums about what the client settings should be for 66 and 100 tick servers, but I haven't found anything on rate settings for server.cfg. I probably havent looked hard enough, and if there are any posts you know of that answer this query please post a link.