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I am taking 2*30mg *4 codeine daily and am still in searing pain arthritic shoulders and spine !

I am considering CBD but have extremely limited experience - just having tried gummies 2 years ago - No noticeable effect at all !

I am thinking about patches - what strength do I use and any interaction with codeine to worry about ?
I’ve got a relative who also has arthritis in their spine and shoulders, and they tried CBD after struggling with meds alone. They started with patches (15mg to 30mg strength) and found them helpful for taking the edge off, especially at night. It’s not a miracle cure, but it might give you some relief. Just keep an eye on potential interactions; CBD can sometimes enhance the sedative effects of codeine, so talk to your doctor first.

As for sourcing, my cousin in Toronto actually swears by a weed delivery in Toronto service that’s super convenient and has good quality CBD products.
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