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Bug in my Mounts(s)!!!!
Yike yesterday I noticed one of those tiny moths and knew they were bad news...I have like five heads across that wall and kind of checked and seemed all clear...saw a couple more on the other side of the room tonight and looked at my MT goat that sits high on a wall and could see a half... a dozen so of those moths crawling about....I kind knocked and brushed it around with a long stick and hair was not falling out. I am super eager to spray something poison to kill those bastards. I have I have 10 mounts in this room the Billy is full body.

Any suggestion of strategy????

I had a similar issue with moths in my house a while back, especially with some old family heirlooms I had on display. At first, I was ready to spray everything with some harsh chemicals, but after doing a little research, I decided to try a more targeted approach. I found through some reviews and they had some great advice. They recommended using moth traps first to see where they’re coming from, then treating the affected areas with a safe spray that wouldn’t damage my mounts or any fabrics. It worked like a charm, and I didn’t have to deal with harsh chemicals everywhere.

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