SRCDS Steam group

Lag Troubles
Having some trouble with random lag spikes :/
Basically the server runs fine with latency of around 30-50
But every now and then, random lag spikes occur, which are getting annoying.
Just wondering if upping the tickrate would help as i've heard this talked about before, but not sure as i'm a bit of a retard. The current tick is 33. My connection is 1.1mbps dwn 256kbps up.
Any help would be great
How many slots do you run when you get spikes? 256k isn't going to be able to run very many slots, expecially if you increase the tickrate. I would guess that it is coming from your connection. Could something else be running on the server when spikes occur?.....automatic update, anti-virus update or anything like that? That can cause it.
J.Christy Wrote:Could something else be running on the server when spikes occur?.....automatic update, anti-virus update or anything like that? That can cause it.

Could it be windows automatic update? Hmm
It strange because i'm getting lower latency than i had expected, and it doesnt rise when the spikes occur.
Am only running 8 slots atm. Not too optimistic with 256mb of ram!
i think one of the big problems here might be Choke..

256kbps, 8 players, low maxrate = choke
I got 512kbps and i got choke too, when it takes the updates down far enough lag spikes start to fly by every now and then.

upping the tickrate won't be much help since it will only be more laggy, higher tickrate means higher bandwidth usage, which you don't have enough of.

I guess best you can try to do is upping the maxrates as far a spossible without going over the maximum upload speed. It decreases choke and improves gameplay and the updates per sec.

Try and fool around until you have good rates, i suggest trying with bots, join the game and see how much KB/s you pull from the server max (peak times) adjust it as good as possible
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