SRCDS Steam group

I see my server, others don't
you can NOT assign your external IP adress to a computer that is BEHIND a router or inside a network!
To assign external IP adress that computer has to be connected to the internet DIRECTLY.

Bind your internal IP to the server, make sure ports are forwarded correctly.
For everyone inside the same network as the server it will show up in the LAN tab on the INTERNAL IP
For everyone outside the server will show up on the Internet list with the EXTERNAL IP
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
Allright, I bound my internal IP instead and did the port as well. I did not get a pop up window error this time though. But, it said Unknown command "Port".

here is the server.cfg code:

hostname ">>WoA<< Clan Server"                                                                


Port 27015                                                                                                                                                                        
sv_cheats 0
mp_allowrandomclass 1
mp_allowspectators 0
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_autokick 0
mp_cancelwarmup 1
mp_decals 200
mp_defaultteam 0
mp_falldamage 20
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_limit_allies_assault -1
mp_limit_allies_mg 1
mp_limit_allies_rifleman -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket 0
mp_limit_allies_sniper 1
mp_limit_allies_support -1
mp_limit_axis_assault -1
mp_limit_axis_mg 1
mp_limit_axis_rifleman -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket 0
mp_limit_axis_sniper 1
mp_limit_axis_support -1
mp_limitteams 10
mp_restartwarmup 1
mp_timelimit 15
mp_warmup_time 1
mp_weaponstay 0

mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"
Maybe that will help you with understanding my situation?
Thanks again
ok remove the IP and Port command from the server.cfg and add them to the startup line like this:
+ip -port 27015
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
STEAM Master Server List - NOT WORKING?

Just an FYI...

You can't use Xfire or STEAM to test the server if the server and the Test PC are on the same internal network. If you do, you will see the Server will appear in your Lan Games list, but not in the Internet Games list. That's normal. Don't just assume it's not showing in the STEAM list outside from this. It very well may still be working and you just don't know it.

Use this link to test it:

If it shows up here, you're good to go and it's in STEAM's List and available via Xfire.

Also, You should wait at least 10 minutes between tests for the Gametiger list to show your server. It takes that long some times for it to come through after you make changes and restart your Server.

I wasted 3 days on this same problem and found it was working all the time but couldn't see it at my house. Sounds stupid, but it's true.

Good luck!
About Me:
I help people who at least try to help themselves. Please use the "Search" button before posting a new topic.
If you post, give us the info we need from the "READ ME FIRST" sticky at the top of each thread!

I'm here to share my experiences to help others. If I'm wrong about something, don't hold it against me, educate me.
I not perfect and try to learn from every failure, yours and mine.
Allright, sorry its been a while i was on vacation. I did what you told me and some friends can see it now, but others can not. the friends that aren't through a router can see me fine and even some that are. But, that website cant see me and some friends that are through routers cant see me as well.

This is my ip:
Im so confused right now.

Thanks for your help.

PS here is my stuff:
Batch File:
c:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game dod -port 27015 +maxplayers 16 +map dod_orange_arena_nrg +exec server.cfg +ip

hostname ".:L4G:. Clan Server"

sv_cheats 0
mp_allowrandomclass 1
mp_allowspectators 0
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_autokick 0
mp_cancelwarmup 1
mp_decals 200
mp_defaultteam 0
mp_falldamage 20
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_limit_allies_assault -1
mp_limit_allies_mg -1
mp_limit_allies_rifleman -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket -1
mp_limit_allies_sniper 1
mp_limit_allies_support -1
mp_limit_axis_assault -1
mp_limit_axis_mg -1
mp_limit_axis_rifleman -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket -1
mp_limit_axis_sniper -1
mp_limit_axis_support -1
mp_limitteams 10
mp_restartwarmup 1
mp_timelimit 30
mp_warmup_time 0
mp_weaponstay 0

mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"

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