SRCDS Steam group

MinecraftGS.Com - Instant Setup Tekkit, Hack / Mine, and Bukkit! Dedicated RAM!
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Minecraft 1.3.1, Tekkit, Hack / Mine, and Bukkit Ready!
[Image: minecraftlogo.png]

Due to long awaited launch of 1.3.1 we would like to provide users the opportunity to get a great Minecraft server for your clan or friends! By utilizing the free default port you can easily setup an A record to utilize a hostname to connect to your Minecraft server! (

Order a Minecraft ONEDOT3 Game Server~
1024MB (1GB) Dedicated DDR3 RAM
Free Default Port (Dedicated IP)
Included FTP / File Manager
No Bandwidth / CPU Restrictions
Experienced Support!
Only $9.95 Monthly or $83.58 Annually - Save 30%

Minecraft servers include access to the file manager with read/write permissions on all Minecraft configuration files (Even the JAR!). We also have Bukkit, Tekkit, and Hack / Mine ready to be installed on your Minecraft server! All memory allocated is dedicated to your Minecraft server. Host as many players as your allocation can support based on your game setup!

Save up to 30% by prepaying annually!

Feel free to reply with any questions Big Grin
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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