SRCDS Steam group

my orange x3 server
For the last week and a half it's been getting full every day for atleast 3 hours.
It's best times are 5-10 pm on the east coast. The server is located in the west coast area. So if it's 9:00 in east coast, it will be 6:00 pm there. So yeah that's when everyone gets on it.
The server is in the signature if you wanna see the player count.
ip of the server:
It's a very awesome server with barely any lag.
It runs off of a:
intel xeon 1270 @ 3.4 ghz 4 cores
4 gb of ram
100 mbps upload
It has 4 other servers running on the machine.
GFL(Games For Life) Founder.
Private Message me if you need any help!
Recommend everybody uses NFO
My Group: GFL
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[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

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