Server OS: Windows Server 2003 32-bit (Virtual Machine, running under VirtualBox Non OSE, on Debian Linux 5)
Processor: Athlon 64 X2 4400+
Ram: 1.5GB.
Game(s): garrysmod
Start Up Command: c:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +sv_defaultgamemode "lasertag" +map lt_saon -port 27015 -maxplayers 10 -autoupdate
Admin Mods: None (had Ulysses, removed in diagnosis).
Nothing else seems to crash at all on the server except srcds, and not even straight away, we're usually in the game for 10-25 minutes before it, simple stops (and comes with the auto disconnect timer), svrchecker has been set to auto restart and restarts it pretty quick, but its terribly annoying.
If i start it manually i can type in the server console after it goes down even though you can't connect to it, but you never get a response from it at all...
It not currently creating memory dumps (afaik, there were some there from march) so its a hard one.