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Help with dedicated server
I can join the server and everything other people can join too, but when i join i get wierd lag and when i move i blink al over the place, the way im running it is at a 33 tic rate and i just want to be able to join the server without lag.

My specs AMD athlon xp 2800+ 512mb RAM and my connection is cable internet
are you playing on the same computer running the server?? cuz if your on lan.. there won't be connection lag (unless you have a REALLLYY bad router or something, but douptfull) the lag is caused by the computer running the server not being able to run it at full performance.
Yeah i want to run it on my computer and join on the same computer or will i have to make the server on another computer to get rid of the blinking around?
another computer will more then likely be better if your getting lag like that
normal computers work like this:

you start the srcds, cpu concentrates on it.
then you start up CSS and join the server, but now the pc concentrates on the full screen apllication (CSS) and by this the srcds wont get any which make it very very laggy
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unless your computer has mucho resources.. and handles it just fine.. like mine did =) but yea.. unless you have a pretty damn good computer.. it won't do it. and with only 512 ram.. css alone uses almost that much.. and so does the srcds... sooo yea.
yeah well most people dont have that kind of computers, and its a waste to run a dedicated pc on a uber pc in my opinion Smile
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no? cuz then you can run more then one server.. and you don't have to worry if maybe runnin an ftp server on it can cause lag.. and to insure smooth map changes.. i mean it would be kinda dumb to get like a dual xeon with 4 gb of ram to run 1 dedicated server, and do nothing else... but like when i ran my dedicated server off of that, it was cuz that was my main computer, and just about only one decent enough to run a decent server, so i used it for everything.

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