SRCDS Steam group

Best Server Control Panel (Linux)
We're planning on using the extra space on our dedicated server (soon to be more) to rent out,

but we & customers need a web panel, what is the best panel to use on linux?

I know about GameCP, and currently We're looking into SWIFTpanel (we have a free licence until september) but what else is there?

SWIFTpanel looks the best because it seems easy to use, and has an automated server installer built in.
I've tried the Swiftpanel demo, and I think that is the best for Linux. I've played around with GameCP and I am not extremely impressed.

I hope this helps Smile
Well I've got a licence, for up to 999 server boxes, for free, until september then they are going to update from 1.6 to 2.0 but its cheap anyway like $10/mo
But hey- don't take other people's word for it! Try everything that you can and decide for yourself! Big Grin
SwiftPanel (doesnt support freebsd) looks very good as it's simple there is also GameCP and I am pretty sure thoose are the only two to worth talking about. Although any others I would also like to know.
Derek Denholm, CEO, XFactorServers, INC.
XFactorServers: Game Server Hosting Solutions
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SwiftPanel for the win!!

2.0 will support windows and linux as well have it's own billing system and support system.
If the billing system and game panel system are combined and available for Windows, and still the same price as it is now, I will defiantly switch over from TCAdmin!
Well the new price $10.00/month. only a $1.50 more.
Be nice if SwiftPanel would support FreeBSD.
Derek Denholm, CEO, XFactorServers, INC.
XFactorServers: Game Server Hosting Solutions
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Hi, Smile

10 Euro month no Limit Machines
100 Euro year no Limit Machines
500 Euro no limits Times and Machines , Open Source Code Scripts .


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