SRCDS Steam group

[Request] rank plugins and sound
Hello.. I really want Rank plugin.. So when they write "rank" in chat ingame css, they see their rank Toungue

also i want a bombtimer.. I dont know XD

If you want ranks,votes etc see here.
If you want ranks,votes etc see here.][/url]
For a bombtimer:]
You will need Mattie eventscripts for tha second.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Go insite your mani_server.cfg

Find this:
// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Stats
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
//        calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = Enable stats module, 0 = disable stats module
mani_stats 0

// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 1

// Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the
// stats list
mani_stats_drop_player_days 5

// This cvar is used to set the type of stats calculation to use for ranking
// players
// 0 = Rank by by pure kills
// 1 = Rank by by kill:death ratio
// 2 = Rank by kills minus deaths
// 3 = Rank by points (points delta = (victim_points/killer_points) * multiplier
mani_stats_calculate 3

// Number of kills required before a player is given a rank
// If you are using the Kill Death ratio you should set this quite high
mani_stats_kills_required 0

// Number of kills + deaths required before a victims points are affected by the
// attackers kills. This prevents new players from affecting regular players points
// until a certain amount of experience is gained from playing.
mani_stats_kills_before_points_removed 0

// Defines how long a 'top' display lasts for before it fades (5 - 30 seconds)
mani_stats_top_display_time 10

// Defines whether other players see your rank when you type 'rank'
// 1 = show rank to all players
// 0 = only show rank to player who typed 'rank'
mani_stats_show_rank_to_all 1

// Defines a message to show when a user types 'rank' and the stats are turned
// off (this can be blank)
// mani_stats_alternative_rank_message ""

// Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a
// web page.
mani_stats_write_text_file 1

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate. This should be
// used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disables frequency calculating, > 0 = time in minutes between each stats
// rank calculation
mani_stats_calculate_frequency 0

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate AND write to disk
// This should be used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disabled, > 0 = time in minutes between each save and recalculation of
// ranks
mani_stats_write_frequency_to_disk 0

// Set to 1 if you want your ranks to be by steam id (default),
// Set to 0 if you are not using steam ids on your server (Lan mode)
mani_stats_by_steam_id 1

// 1 = Include any bot kills made in stats
// 0 = Killing a bot does not count to stats
mani_stats_include_bot_kills 0

// Stats points decay settings
// Number of days since last connect that points decay will start
mani_stats_decay_start 2

// Number of days that the decay will take place over once started
// Points will drop to 500 over this period of time. If the player rejoins
// their points will be restored to full value
mani_stats_decay_period 7

// When a player reconnects the stats module can restore a players
// points back to the full amount if decay has set in
// 0 = Do not restore full points, 1 = restore to full points
mani_stats_decay_restore_points_on_connect 0

// If set to 1 a victim will never lose points ala BF2
mani_stats_points_add_only 0

// Number of days before a player is made invisible from
// being ranked. Note that the player is not dropped, if
// they rejoin their rank will be restored.
mani_stats_ignore_ranks_after_x_days 21

// Multiplier used in points calculation, default is 5.0
mani_stats_points_multiplier "5.0"

// Multiplier for victim points lost. If you want victims
// to lose say half points for dying set this to "0.5" etc
mani_stats_points_death_multiplier "1.0"

// Weapon weighting for CSS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_css_weapon_ak47 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m4a1 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mp5navy "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_awp "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_usp "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_deagle "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_aug "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_hegrenade "1.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_xm1014 "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_knife "2.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_g3sg1 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg550 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_galil "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m3 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_scout "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg552 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_famas "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_glock "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_tmp "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_ump45 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p90 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m249 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_elite "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mac10 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_fiveseven "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p228 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_flashbang "5.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_smokegrenade "5.0"

// Bonus Points for CSS Players
mani_stats_css_bomb_planted_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_bomb_defused_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_hostage_rescued_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_hostage_killed_bonus "-15"
mani_stats_css_vip_escape_bonus "4"
mani_stats_css_vip_killed_bonus "10"

// Bonus Points for CSS Teams
mani_stats_css_ct_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_t_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_ct_vip_escaped_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_t_vip_assassinated_team_bonus "6"
mani_stats_css_t_target_bombed_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_all_hostages_rescued_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_ct_bomb_defused_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_killed_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_rescued_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_t_bomb_planted_team_bonus "2"

// Weapon weighting for DODS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_dods_weapon_amerknife "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spade "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_colt "1.6"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_p38 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_c96 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_garand "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_m1carbine "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98 "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spring "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98_scoped "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_thompson "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp40 "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp44 "1.35"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bar "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_30cal "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mg42 "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bazooka "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_pschreck "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_us "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_ger "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_us "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_ger "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_us "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_ger "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_punch "3.0"

// Bonus Points for DODS
mani_stats_dods_capture_point 4
mani_stats_dods_block_capture 4
mani_stats_dods_round_win_bonus 4

Change mani_stats 0 to mani_stats 1
Restart server or change map, now you should have rank, statsme, weaponme, hitboxme, top10 and those rank features.
Wrong area.
Watch this thread MOVE!
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Mooga Wrote:Wrong area.
Watch this thread MOVE!

You're quicker than I am Smile

I was about to remove it Toungue

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