01-31-2009, 05:54 AM
Well... As always... there are glitchers who crash the server with windows errors... How can I stop them from crashing it? Or can I make a batch file that restarts even with windows errors? Mine only works to restart without windows errors... any windows errors and you have to click OKAY for it to restart...
This is what I got currently in the batch:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game Counter Strike Source +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
This is what I got currently in the batch:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game Counter Strike Source +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds