I'm patching the srcds_run exchanging the row
cd ..; updatesingle; cd orangebox;
Which worked like charm until yesterday after the update. It looks like they put the wrong folder in the commandline to steam:
if test "$GAME" = "tf"; then
Which makes it look for files ABOVE the folder where steam is located.
earlier the command was issued like so:
Anyone else noticed this? is there a simple fix? Have they silently moved the location of steam binary for fresh installs?
I'm patching the srcds_run exchanging the row
cd ..; updatesingle; cd orangebox;
Which worked like charm until yesterday after the update. It looks like they put the wrong folder in the commandline to steam:
if test "$GAME" = "tf"; then
Which makes it look for files ABOVE the folder where steam is located.
earlier the command was issued like so:
./steam -command update -game "tf" -dir .
Anyone else noticed this? is there a simple fix? Have they silently moved the location of steam binary for fresh installs?