SRCDS Steam group

easy FPS question
Just wondering: My server FPS will not go above ~250 FPS (with media player open. With no media player I get 80 FPS)

How do I increase the FPS the server runs at? And should I even bother if players aren't complaining?

Server has AMD 2500, 1 gig RAM.
on our server the fps wouldnt go above 65

we then installed a c s 1.6 server with a fps booster metamod plugin, the fps on that server went up to 520 and all of the css servers that we hadnt changed at all went up to 270+fps

dont know if it will help you though
I read in Valve's support stuff that you can run the Source server at 1000 fps. How is that possible?
Keep in mind this comes with no warranties. Depending on the server you have and your bandwidth you can do the following.
Is there any resource out there that can tell me how much power is needed for servers? For example, "for 64 players you'll need a 1.5mbps upload and at least 1 gig ram + 3ghz CPU" or whatever.

SoylentGreen Wrote:Is there any resource out there that can tell me how much power is needed for servers? For example, "for 64 players you'll need a 1.5mbps upload and at least 1 gig ram + 3ghz CPU" or whatever.​fY2F0cz01NyZwX3B2PSZwX2N2PTEuNTc7Mi51MCZwX3NlYXJjaF90eXBlPWFuc3dlcnMuc2VhcmNoX25​sJnBfcGFnZT0x&p_li=&p_topview=1

This basically covers bandwidth. I don't think I have ever seen anything that says how much ram you need or how fast your cpu should be. For the most part, I always have low ram/mem usage for the servers I have. For CPUs, the faster your cpu is, the higher fps/tickrate settings you can use, and the more servers you can run.

Just to give you an idea of how much resources the srcds uses; on an AMD64 dual opteron 250, with 2 gb ram, and wd raptors, rhel 4 w/ kernel 2.6, I have one cs1.6 server (32 slots, nice -15, amxmodx) using an average of 25% cpu & about 6% mem when full, and one css server (32 slots, tickrate 100, fps_max 1000, pingboost 1, 5 plugins, nice -20) using an average of about 15% cpu & about 4% mem with 16 players in the server. IDK how different it would be on a windows system.

United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
Thanks for the info. By the way, what do you use to admin your HL2DM server? I tried Mani and got poor results, now I just use rcon Toungue

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